Příběhy (Storytime)

A new section, huh?
I guess so.
So what's the big deal?
Well, this is going to be a story section, where I'm gonna publish stories that I came across and edited in my own way.
What kind of stories exactly?
The first one is a story wirtten by Mr. Charles Bukowski, which tells us about the death of
a Hollywood actor. The rest will be random stories picked mostly on the Internet. But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself a bit now, so let's get started already, shall we?
Sure. Just one more thing - are there going to be any add-ons, or just the stories?
Below each part of a story, you'll find some sort of a resume and "analysis" of the most important phrases and grammar points. There might also be tests on these stories one day, but that's a long way...
Thanks, mate. Excited as never before.

Příběhy jsou také k dispozici na jinak uživatelsky řešeném webu: https://real-english-stories.blogspot.cz/


They rang the doorbell. Two brothers, Lincoln, 23 and Andrew, 17. He came to the door himself.
There he was. Ramon Vasquez, the old star of the silent screen movies and the beginning of the talkies. He was in his 60s now, but still had the same delicate look.

That's what made ladies swoon. This, and the way he looked deeply into their eyes, well, it was too much. That's why he had been called "The Great Lover." But actually, Ramon Vasquez was a homosexual.

It was a chilly California night and Ramon's place was set off in a hilly area by itself. The boys wore army pants and white T-shirts. Both of them were on the muscular side and had pleasant faces. Pleasant and apologetic faces.

Lincoln did the talking. "We've read about you, Mr. Vasquez. I'm sorry to bother you but we've been deeply interested in Hollywood idols, and we found out where you lived, and we were driving by and just couldn't help ringing your doorbell."

"Isn't it cold out there, boys?"
"Yes, yes, it is."
"Why don't you step in for a moment?"

He then took them in, poured a couple drinks and made something to eat. He even said that he could get Andrew into the movies with his face. He still had a bit of a pull...

"We've read up on you, Ramon," said Lincoln. "One writer, no, two writers claim you always keep
5 grand in cash hidden
in your house. A kind of pocket-money. And that you really have this mistrust of banks and the banking system."

"I don't know where you got that. It's not true. The only money I have in the house is what I have in my wallet, and that's it. 20 or 30 dollars."

Lincoln didn't believe him, obviously. He was determined to get the money out of this guy.

They rang the doorbell - v češtině zvoníme "na zvonek", v AJ se zde předložka nepoužívá
He came to the door himself - on sám jim přišel otevřít
There he was - zde bychom tento výraz vlastně ani nemuseli překládat, jinak se používá např. když chceme přivítat někoho, na koho jsme delší dobu čekali (there you are! = tady jsi! / už jsi přišel!)
He was in his 60s - bylo mu kolem šedesáti (mezi šedesáti a sedmdesáti). Pro bližší určení lze použít příslovce early a late (in early 60s = něco málo přes šedesát; in late 60s = skoro sedmdesát)
He had the same look - vypadal pořád stejně
That's what made ladies swoon - a kvůli tomu z něj ženy omdlévaly. Není zde důležité sloveso "swoon", nýbrž spojení struktury that's what se slovesem make (po slovesu "make" se, jak možná už víte, používá infinitiv bez -to). Nepochybuji o tom, že spojení typu "that's what/where/when" apod. vysvětluji již v jiné sekci zde na webu, ale pro pořádek pár vět:

  • That's exactly what he said - Přesně tohle řekl
  • That's where I met her - Tam jsme se seznámili
  • Is that why you left? - Proto jsi odešel?
  • That's not when it happened - Tehdy se to nestalo

Teď z toho určitě máte hlavu jak pátrací balón, ale tyto struktury jsou často používané a doporučuji si je zapamatovat a používat je.

But actually, he was... - Vlastně byl... ("actually" zde slouží jako prostředek k upřesnění předchozího tvrzení)
chilly - chladný
Ramon's place was set off in a hilly area by itself - Ramónův dům se nacházel na samotě v kopcích /
v kopcovité oblasti (slovem PLACE můžeme nahradit různé typy budov, ať už dům/byt nebo třeba restauraci (there's a nice Italian place just around the corner, where they make awesome pizzas)
The boys wore army pants - měli na sobě maskáče (žádné had...on them)
both of them were on the muscular side - oba dva byli namakaní / svalnatí. "both of them" - zde nesmíte vynechat předložku, variantou je "they both were..."
Lincoln did the talking - Zde by se nabízel překlad "ujal se slova", nebo něco na ten způsob, v jiných kontextech by byla situace jiná (I did all the talking - Všechno jsem to odvykládal já). Nejde zde jen o sloveso "read", ale obecně o použití podstatných jmen s určitým členem, většinou právě v kombinaci se slovesem DO (John did the reading, I did the explaining - John to přečetl a já jsem to dovysvětlil)
I'm sorry to bother you - Omlouvám se, že obtěžuji / Nerad bych vás obtěžoval
We've been deeply interested in...- Zajímají nás Hollywoodští herci (pravděpodobně už nějakou dobu, stav trvá do teď, proto předpřítomný čas, všimněte si, že takovéto věty překládáme přítomným časem)
we found out where you lived - posun časů v nepřímé řeči, zde ve své poněkud zákeřné podobě bez jakéhokoliv uvozovacího slovesa. V češtině bychom použili přítomný čas (zjistili jsme, kde žiješ), v angličtině se čas posouvá do minulosti - tu informaci si zjistili předtím, než k němu jeli, proto i sloveso LIVE musí být v minulém čase. Lépe si to uvědomíte níže, na větě "he said that he could get Andrew into the movies".
we were driving by - jeli jsme kolem (v souvislosti s tím zmíním, že se používají také výrazy "stop by" nebo "drop by" - zaskočit k někomu na návštěvu)
we couldn't help ringing your doorbell - prostě jsme na vás museli zazvonit
isn't it cold out there? - není venku zima? (s počasím se používá zájmeno IT, nikoli "there", jako to používají někteří)
why don't you step in? - co kdybyste šli dál? (zkuste si zapamatovat, že věty se spojením "why don't you/we" (které obecně představují vlastně nejlepší způsob návrhů v angličtině) je dobré překládat právě pomocí spojení "co kdybys / co kdybychom" než doslova "proč nejdete dovnitř". Zvláštní pro nás může být existence spojení why don't I (např. why don't I help you with your homework so we can go out - Víš co, pomůžu ti s úkolem, ať můžeme jít ven / co kdybych ti pomohl...)
get sb. into the movies - dostat někoho do filmu (v AJ se používá množné číslo)
have a pull - mít vliv, váhu při rozhodování
read up on sb./sth. - načíst si informace o někom/něčem
you keep 5 grand hidden in your house - máš doma schovaných pět táců
pocket-money - peníze na útratu, "kapesné"
you have this mistrust - zájmeno "this" se používá jako hovorový ekvivalent neurčitého členu (you have a mistrust of banks) - neurčitý člen zde může být, i když je "nedůvěra" jako taková nepočitatelná, zde je totiž konkretizována (jaká nedůvěra? nedůvěra k bankovnímu systému)
I don't know where you got that - nevím, kde jste to vzali - překlad je vlastně doslovný, v této větě jde o to, že se jedná o nepřímou otázku, kde se slovosled obrací na oznamovací (chybou by bylo použít
I don't know where did you get that)
be determined to do sth. - být odhodlaný něco udělat


The boys (Lincoln, to be more specific) then started being really brutal, slapping "The Great Lover" across his face, punching him and even making him do nasty things to them (they kept drinking wine
in the process). He begged them to leave him alone, but they wouldn't listen.

The brothers sat down again, finished their wine bottles. Found more in the kitchen. Brought them out, uncorked them and drank some more. Ramon Vasquez already looked as if he were in a trance of some sort, like a wax figure of a dead Star in the Hollywood Museum.

"We're gonna get the 5 grand and leave," said Lincoln.
"He said it ain't here," said Andrew.
"He's a liar. I'll get it out of him. You just sit here and enjoy your wine. I'll take care of him."

He picked up Ramon, threw him over one of his shoulders and carried him into the bedroom. Andrew sat there drinking the wine. He heard some talking and shouting from the bedroom. Then he saw the telephone. He dialed a New York City number, charged it to Ramon's phone. That's where his girlfriend was. She'd left Kansas City for the big time. But she still wrote him letters. Long ones. She wasn't making it yet.

"Oh, Andrew, is something wrong?"
"Were you asleep?"
"I was just going to bed."
"Of course."
"Well, there's nothing wrong. This guy is going to get me into the movies. He says I have a delicate face."
"Oh wonderful, Andrew! You have a beautiful face, and I love you, you know that."
"Sure. How is it going with you, kitten?"
"Not so good, Andy. New York is a cold town. Everybody tries to get into your panties, that's all they want. I'm working as a waitress, it's hell, but I think I'm getting a part in an off-Broadway play."
"What kinda play?"
"Oh, I don't know. It seems a little corny. Something written by a nigger."
"Don't you trust those niggers, babe."
"I don't. It's just for the experience. And they've got some big name actress working her part for free."
"Well, that's all right. But don't trust those niggers!"
"I'm no damn fool, Andy. I don't trust anybody. It's just for experience."
"Who's the nigger?"
"I don't know. Some playwright. All he does is sit around and smoke grass and talk revolution.
 It's the thing now. We gotta go with it until it blows over."
"That playwright, he isn't sleeping with you?"
"Don't be a damn fool, Andrew. I treat him nicely, but he's nothing but a pagan, a beast... And I'm so tired of being a waitress. All these wise-guys pinching your ass because they left a quarter tip. It's hell."
"I think of you all the time, baby."
"Hey! What's all that SCREAMING I hear?"
"Just a joke, babe. Big wild party here in Beverly Hills. You know these actors."
"It sounds like someone getting killed."
"Don't worry, babe. It's just a gag. Everybody drunk. Somebody practicing his lines. Love you. I'll phone or write again soon."
"Please do, Andrew. I love you."
"Night, sweets."
"Goodnight, Andrew."

Andrew hung up and walked toward the bedroom. He walked in and there was Ramon on the big double bed. He was very bloody. Lincoln held Ramon's famous cane that The Great Lover used in the movies. The cane had blood all over it.

to be more specific - přesněji řečeno
started being brutal - 1) se slovesem START se může pojit buď -ing tvar nebo infinitiv s -to, někteří se ovšem strefují do té jediné možnosti, která je špatně (started be)
slap sb. - fackovat někoho
punch sb. - dá ránu pěstí
making him do things to them - se slovesy MAKE a LET používejte infinitiv bez -to, i když vám tam automaticky nenaskočí, a to zejména u "make" (Don't make me do that; Let's go out - "let's" = "let us")
they kept drinking wine in the process - a současně pili víno. Spojení KEEP s -ing tvarem (klíčové to spojení) znamená "pili ho pořád dál
leave him alone - nechat ho na pokoji, lepší než let him be
they wouldn't listen - oni prostě neposlechli, odmítali poslechnout
finished their wine bottles - dopili víno. Tento význam slovesa FINISH je klíčový, překládají se jím totiž slova s předponou -do (dopít, dopsat, dodělat...), pro které hledáme mnohdy komplikované ekvivalenty (Have you finished your homework? - Už sis dodělal/dopsal úkol?)
as if he were in a trance of some sort - jako by byl v nějakém transu (v hovorové AJ se ve významu "jako by" používá i LIKE)
ain't - zvláštní hovorové slovíčko, kterým se dají nahradit přítomné zápory sloves BE a HAVE GOT        (it ain't here = it isn't here; you ain't got the guts = you haven't got the guts)
enjoy your wine - zde bych asi řekl "a v klidu si dopij víno" (= vychutnej si ho, nikam nespěchej, zkrátka no stress). Podobně se využití slovesa ENJOY nabízí, pokud bychom přáli někomu dobrou chuť - enjoy your meal. Je ale třeba dodat, že v anglicky mluvících zemích není běžné přát si dobrou chuť.
I'll take care of him - já se o něj postarám
he sat there drinking wine - pomocí -ing tvaru se dá zkrátit věta "he sat there and he drank vine"
he dialed a NYC number and charged it to Ramon's phone - vytočil číslo do NY na účet volajícího    (v našem případě Ramóna, kterému telefon patřil)
she'd left Kansas for the big time - nadobro odešla z Kansasu
she wrote him letters. long ones - slovo ONES má zástupnou funkci, nahrazuje podst.jm. "letters", abychom ho již nemuseli znovu opakovat, když ho zmiňujeme v předešlé větě (podobně např. Which coat do you prefer? The black one or the grey one?)
she wasn't making it yet - nedařilo se jí
is something wrong? no, there's nothing wrong - děje se něco? ne, nic
were you asleep? - POZOR, nepoužívat "did" !!
how is it going with you, kitten? - jak to jde, kotě?
what kinda play? (= what kind of play) - co je to za hru?
corny - otřepaný, "starý" 
something written by a nigger - předložka BY v trpném rodě označuje původce děje (kým, čím byla ta hra napsaná), předložka WITH označuje nástroj (you hit me with a stick), zde se "by" nepoužívá
babe - brouku, zlato (důvěrné oslovení)
I'm no damn fool - nejsem přece hloupá / nejsem blázen
all he does is sit around - ve větách typu "on akorát posedává u televize", se používá právě konstrukce ALL + sloveso v infinitivu bez -to
it's the thing now - teď je to v módě
we gotta go with it until it blows over - musíme to vydržet, než to přejde
treat him nicely - chovat se k němu hezky (ne behave nicely to him)
nothing but a pagan - je akorát tak neznaboh / není nic než neznaboh
I'm tired of being a waitress - už mě nebaví dělat číšnici. Zapamatujte si jednak samotnou vazbu "be tired of", tak i fakt, že po předložce následuje sloveso vždy v -ing tvaru (they accused us of commiting a crime - obvinili nás ze spáchání zločinu; he said something about us being too loud - říkal něco o tom, že děláme moc velký hluk) 
leave a tip - nechat dýško
it's just a gag - to je jen sranda, jen si tak hrajou
somebody practising his lines - nacvičují nějakou scénku (doslova "trénují text")
I'll phone again soon. please do - sloveso DO zde nahrazuje sloveso "phone" z předešlé věty, toto zástupné použití pomocných sloves je dost zásadní, viz výše také úsek "don't you trust those niggers, babe. I don't" - já jim taky nevěřím
hang up - zde: zavěsit 


"Maybe the 5 grand ain't here," said Andrew.
"It is here." Lincoln looked again at the body on the bed. "Where you got the 5 grand hidden, Ramon?"
"I swear... There's no 5 grand! I swear!"
Lincoln brought the cane down again across the face of The Great Lover. Another slash. The blood ran. Ramon passed out.
"No good this way. Put him under a shower," Lincoln told his brother. "Revive him. Get all the blood off. We'll start all over again. This time − not only his face, but the whole body. He'll talk. Go clean him up while I have a few drinks."

Andrew got Ramon to the shower stall and cleaned the blood off him. Then he put him on the bed. Lincoln had a new bottle of wine. Was working on it.
"O.K.," he said, "this time he talks!"
"I don't think he's got that 5 grand. I wouldn't take a beating like that for 5 grand."
Lincoln wouldn't listen. He picked up the cane and started beating The Grear Lover again. At one point, Ramon became very still and didn't breathe at all.
"You've killed him," said Andrew from his chair, watching, "and he was going to get me into the movies."
"I didn't kill him," said Lincoln. "you killed him! I sat there and watched you beat him to death with his own cane. The cane that made him famous in his movies!"

Anyway, the boys decided to leave. Before, they wrote something on the walls with Ramon's blood, and took the rest of the wine. While they were driving, the saw two girls hitchhiking. They stopped so that the girls could get in. They were going to go to a beach and have fun

The Great Lover was dead. But there would be others. Also plenty of ungreat. Mostly those. It was the way things worked. Or didn't work.

look at - předložka AT se používá právě ve spojeních typu look at / stare at / smile at / laugh at sb.
(= dívat se / civět / usmívat se na někoho / smát se někomu) - všimněte si rozdílu mezi LAUGH a SMILE
there's no 5 grand! = žádných pět táců není / neexistuje
across the face - přes celou tvář / po tváři
slash - (řezná) rána
the blood ran - vytekla krev
pass out - omdlít (POZOR, neplést s "pass away" = zemřít)
no good this way - takhle to nepůjde / k ničemu to nebude
revive him - prober ho (nebo zde vzhledem ke kontextu "opláchni ho")
get all the blood off - smyj všechnu tu krev (předložka "off" vyjadřuje vlastně směr z povrchu pryč)
start all over again - začít od začátku
this time - tentokrát
the whole body - celé tělo (not all the body)
go clean him up - běž ho umýt; v americké AJ je možné takto spojovat slovesa za sebe (go get dressed - dojdi se obléknout), samozřejmě je možné mezi ně vložit spojku AND
while I have a few drinks - a já si zatím ještě naleju
shower stall - sprchový kout
he had a new bottle of wine. was working on it - měl rozpitou novou láhev vína
I don't think he's got the 5 grand - všimněte si přesunutého záporu - v češtině bychom spíš řekli "myslím, že těch 5 táců nemá", v AJ je zápor u slovesa "think", nikoli u "have got"
I wouldn't take a beating like that - já bych se takhle zmlátit nenechal
at one point, he was very still and didn't breathe at all - v jednu chvíli úplně ztuhnul a vůbec nedýchal (připomenutí - "breath" = dech; "breathe" = dýchat, u slovesa se -ea vysloví jako )
I watched you beat him to death with his cane - díval jsem se, jak jsi ho zmlátil jeho hůlkou.
1) I watched you how you beat him - neříkejte ani s pistolí u hlavy; 2) u sloves smyslového vnímání, tj. SEE, HEAR, SMELL, FEEL, TASTE následuje další sloveso buď v -ing tvaru nebo v infinitivu bez -to;
3) with his cane - u nástroje, kterým něco děláme, se používá předložka "with", nikoli "by"
the one that made him famous - ta, díky níž se proslavil
anyway - nicméně, každopádně
hitchhike - stopovat (auto)
have fun - užít si; u tohoto spojení není člen na rozdíl od "have a good time" - FUN je nepočitatelné podst.jm. a není ničím blíže určeno, TIME je sice z principu také nepočitatelné, ale je blíže určeno přívlastkem "good"
plenty of - hodně, mnoho
mostly those - zde: těch bude víc
it was the way things worked - takhle to holt funguje; 1) všimněte si překladu slova "things" jako podmětu "to", někdy je možné ho přeložit také jako "všechno" (things change - všechno se mění); 
2) v této souvislosti zmíním obrat "things have a way of working out", neboli "ono to vždycky nějak dopadne"

Heavy-Heart Anouncement (1) the news

Friends, I have some unhappy news to share. When this sleepover began just a few hours ago, I had every intention of staying through the night. Like many of you, I greatly looked forward to goofing off until midnight or so and then waking up to a full spread of chocolate chip pancakes. Alas, things don't always work out the way we plan. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I inform you I have asked my parents to come pick me up early.

Please trust that this was a very tough decision. A number of factors came into play, not the least of which was my reluctance to abandon the group partway through our Mario Kart tournament. I would love nothing more than to keep playing as Bowser, but after weighing my options and excusing myself for a brief cry in the upstairs bathroom, I made the difficult choice to arrange for my transport home.

If you're wondering how it got to this point, I understand. I've asked the same thing of myself. In part, it's because I became frightened during our viewing of Jurassic World, especially the part when the T. rex fights the Indominus rex. Even after we had moved on to chasing Ryan's cat around the house with his remote-control car, I began to think of the dinosaur-related nightmares I might have tonight and started to panic.

No doubt this was all followed by the fact that I'd drunk an awful amount of root beer and eaten a lot of Twizzlers, and my tummy hurt.

I tried to tough it out at first. You may recall my enthusiasm as we discussed whether to watch Power Rangers Megaforce or play flashlight tag. While on the surface, it may have appeared that I was having a good time, in reality, the opposite was true. The thought of playing outside in the dark, and my attendant fears about how there might be a guy with a knife hiding out there in the bushes somewhere, made contacting my parents inevitable.


intention záměr | goof off blbnout, dělat kraviny, ulejvat se | *alas naneštěstí ale | work out dobře dopadnout, vyjít | pick sb. up vyzvednout někoho | tough těžký, tvrdý | come into play objevit se, začít působit | *reluctance nechuť, zdráhání se | *abandon ztratit, opustit | partway (through) v průběhu, během | weigh zde: zvážit | brief krátký | arrange for připravit (se) na | frightened vyděšený | chase sb. honit se za někým | remote-control car autíčko na dálkové ovládání | no doubt jednoznačně, bez pochyby |*root beer kořenové pivo | tummy břicho (zdrobnělina) | tough it out vydržet
recall vybavovat si | *flashlight tag hra na honěnou s baterkami | on the surface ze zběžného pohledu | attendant s tím související | inevitable nevyhnutelný 

Hvězdičkou jsou označena ta slova, která pro tento příběh nemají až tak zásadní význam a nemusíte si je v této souvislosti nutně pamatovat. 

some other jewels from this text:

I have news to share - trochu něco jiného než "I have to share some news" (to by znamenalo "musím vám říct, co je nového"), v našem textu pisatel pouze oznamuje, že má něco na srdci
sleepover - přespávačka u kamaráda
a few hours ago - před několika hodinami (užití "before" by zde bylo špatně)
intention of staying through the night - úmysl zůstat přes noc
looked forward to goofing off - "to" je v tomto případě předložka, po které musí být další sloveso (goof off) v -ing tvaru
things don't always work out - vždycky se to nepovede (viz výše)
come pick me up - v americké AJ lze takto vynechat infinitiv po slovesech COME a GO
a number of factors - celá řada
come into play - vstoupit do hry
not the least of which was... - a jedním z nejdůležitějších (faktorů) bylo, že... 
partway through our tournament - v půlce turnaje (možno použít také "halfway through")
I would love to - strašně rád bych... (opak by byl "I would hate to" - hrozně nerad bych), vidíte, že slovesa LOVE a HATE nemusí znamenat jen "milovat" a "nenávidět"
keep playing - hrát pořád dál
make a choice - vybrat si, zvolit si (podobně se sloveso MAKE používá u obratů typu make a mistake, make a decision, make a comment...)
if you're wondering how it got to this point - jestli vás zajímá, jak to dospělo tak daleko/až sem. Mrkněte do gramatické části, zmáčkněte Crtl + F, zadejte "wonder" a dočtete se víc (tento pokyn nenavazuje na předchozí přeloženou větu)
we had moved on to... - přesunuli jsme se k / pokračovali jsme tím, že
I began to think of the nightmares I might have tonight - 1) think of - přemýšlet o (nočních můrách);
2) might have - které možná budu mít; 3) tonight - dneska večer (žádné today's evening)
no doubt - není divu
I'd drunk an awful amount of beer - 1) I'd zde zkracuje "had", nikoli "would", jde o předminulý čas (vypil to pivo někdy dříve, než vypráví tento příběh); 2) an awful amount - hrozně moc
hurt - patří do skupiny nepravidelných sloves, která mají všechny tři tvary stejné (stejně jako třeba put či let)
I tried to tough it out at first - výraz "tough it out" máte uveden ve slovníčku výše, nicméně zde poukážu na rozdíl mezi "at first" a samotným "first". První z nich indikuje, že bude následovat "but", ať už přímo řečené nebo symbolické (zkrátka že jsem si nejdřív něco myslel, a pak se ukázalo, že to bylo jinak). Samotné FIRST oproti tomu pouze říká, která činnost proběhla jako první (po ní bude následovat nějaká druhá, třetí apod.) - First, you build a snowman. Then you put a pot on its head.
it may have appeared that I was having a good time - 1) je zde použité "have appeared", protože se jedná o minulost, "may appear" by bylo v přítomnosti, sloveso APPEAR bychom mohli nahradit slovesem SEEM. 2) have a good time - mít se dobře, užívat si (také "enjoy yourself")
the thought made contacting my parents inevitable - kvůli tomu pomyšlení jsem zkontaktoval rodiče (sloveso MAKE ve spojení s přídavným jménem lze podle situace přeložit do češtiny jako "kvůli" nebo "díky".

Heavy-Heart Anouncement (2) torn apart

Yet even as I marched upstairs to ask Ryan's mom to call my mom, I was still tempted to stay. Leaving would mean missing out on our plan to make our own mini pizzas, which, if I'm being honest, was one of the main selling points of this sleepover in the first place. Had this exact same get-together taken place during the day, I wouldn't have thought twice about staying the whole time. But here's the thing: It's not the day.

It's nighttime, and I'm scared, and I want to go home.

So, sadly, I will not be able to take part in the Nerf gun battle. I will not be changing into my Kylo Ren-themed pajamas. I will not be demonstrating my belching skills, nor will I be present when we make a list of all the bad words we know and type them into Google. You'll all just have to carry on without me.

For now, I must roll up my sleeping bag and un-sync my extra Wii U controller. Know that my departure isn't just for my own good - it's for the good of us all. Had I stayed, I would have only brought the party down, with all my sniffling in the corner, my uncomfortable silence, or, given the anxiety I have experienced, my inability to make it through the night without wetting myself.

At the end of the day, all I really want is what's best for the sleepover. That's why, though it grieves me to do so, I must formally take my leave. I now have time for a few questions while my dad drives over. I have to be standing outside when he gets here.


yet zde: a přesto | I was tempted to stay lákalo mě zůstat | miss out on sth. přijít o něco | selling point lákadlo, atrakce | why did you come here in the first place? proč jsi sem vůbec přišel? | get-together sraz | take place stát se, proběhnout | think twice about sth. rozmyslet si | sadly bohužel | take part in sth. zúčastnit se | change into převléknout se do | *belch říhat | type napsat (na klávesnici), zadat
(do vyhledávače) | carry on pokračovat | for now prozatím | sleeping bag spacák | bring sth. down zde: (z)kazit | *sniffle popotahovat (brečet) | given... vzhledem k... | anxiety úzkost | inability neschopnost | make it through přežít, přečkat | *grieve rmoutit, trápit

upstairs - nahoru (po schodech do patra)
I was tempted to stay - překlad už máte výše, spíš bych chtěl prostřednictvím této věty upozornit na to, že máme dvě skupiny přídavných jmen: ta, která končí na koncovku -ed a ta, která končí na -ing. Obě popisují vlastně totéž, ale každá z jiného pohledu. Přídavná jména končící na -ed popisují, jak se cítí podmět (proto "I was tempted" - lákalo mě), zatímco ta, která končí na -ing, popisují situaci (it was tempting). Přeložit se ale dají jedním obratem.
Leaving would mean missing out on our plan...., which was - 1) sloveso v -ing tvaru použité jako podmět, v tomto kontextu bychom v češtině nejspíš řekli "kdybych odešel, znamenalo by to...");
2) zájmeno which ve svém nejzásadnějším významu, kdy se vztahuje k celé větě a znamená což
Had this exact same get-together taken place during the day - Kdyby se tenhle sraz odehrál ve dne ("had" zde vlastně nahrazuje část podmínkové věty "If this exact same get-together had taken place...")
here's the thing - ale jde o to, že
demonstrate my skills - předvádět, co umím
nor will I be present when we make a list... - ani nebudu u toho, až budeme sepisovat... (po výrazu NOR nastává tzv. inverze, tedy prohodí se podmět se slovesem, z oznamovacího "I will be present" se stane "will I be present", nejedná se ovšem o otázku, pouze o gramatiku
Had I stayed, I would have only brought the party down - kdybych zůstal, jen bych ten večírek zkazil (jedná se o třetí kondicionál, nereálnou podmínku v minulosti - kdybych zůstal, zkazil bych ho, jenže já nezůstal, takže jsem ho nezkazil, nedošlo k naplnění podmínky). Gramaticky je tato věta stejná jako obdobná věta výše
uncomfortable - nepříjemný (staying here makes me uncomfortable - necítím se tu dobře, je mi to tu nepříjemné)
my inability to make it through the night without wetting myself - 1) "inability" je sice neschopnost, pokud bychom ale chtěli říct, že někdo není schopný něco udělat, využili bychom spíše příd. jm. incapable, které se spojuje s předložkou OF (he's incapable of keeping things clear - je neschopný udržovat pořádek NEBO he's not capable of...); 2) without wetting myself - sloveso po předložce v -ing tvaru
at the end of - na konci něčeho (filmu, ulice, dne apod.), něco jiného je "nakonec" = in the end, eventually, finally
my dad drives over - přijede sem (tzn. k domu, kterého se vyprávění týká)

Ross & Rachel: A complicated love story

Adapted from Bridge magazine, volume 20 (05-06 January-February 2017)

Ross Geller had a crush on Rachel Green from the moment he saw her. But Rachel never considered going out with him because he was her best friend Monica's brother. Ross tried flirting with her, but he never actually hit on her because he was too nervous to make a move.

After high school, Rachel lost touch with the Gellers. Ross got married to a woman named Carol and they had a baby named Ben. But Carol cheated on Ross with a woman named Susan so they got divorced.

Years later, Rachel and Monica ran into each other at a coffee shop and became friends again. Rachel had been engaged to a dentist, but she decided not to get married at the last minute. When Ross saw her, he realized he had never gotten over her, but he was still too shy to ask her out. They became good friends, but during that time Ross kept falling in love with her. Every time she broke up with a boyfriend he hoped that he'd have a chance, but their timing was terrible.

Ross tried going out with other people to get over Rachel. He even got remarried to a woman named Emily from England, but their wedding was a disaster. When he said his vows, he accidentally said, "I take you Rachel..." instead of "I take you Emily...". They continued the ceremony, but they were separated soon after the wedding.

Ross really wanted to make his marriage work so he tried to convince Emily that they should get back together. But Emily was still angry and jealous of Rachel. To get back at Ross, Emily told him to end his friendship with Rachel. Ross really didn't want to get divorced again, but he was still in love with Rachel so he couldn't cut her out of his life. It took years of bad timing, dating other people, and even having a baby together before Ross and Rachel finally got their happily ever after.

have a crush on sb. = zabouchnout se do někoho
consider doing sth. = zvažovat, že něco uděláme
hit on sb. = balit někoho ("vyjet po někom")
make a move = "rozhoupat se" (dát konečně někomu najevo, že někoho máme rádi)
lost touch = ztratit s někým kontakt (opak od get in touch)
get married to sb. / marry sb. = vzít si někoho
cheat on sb. = podvádět někoho
get divorced = rozvést se
run into sb. = narazit na někoho, nečekaně se po nějaké době potkat
be engaged to sb. = být s někým zasnoubený
get over sb. = přestat k někomu chovat city / přenést se přes ztrátu někoho
ask sb. out = pozvat někoho na rande
fall in love = zamilovat se
break up with sb. / split up with sb. / dump sb. = rozejít se s někým
go out with sb. / date sb. = chodit s někým
accidentally = (nešťastnou) náhodou
instead of = namísto něčeho
be separated = být od sebe
convince sb. / persuade sb. / talk sb. into sth. = přesvědčit
get back together = vrátit se k sobě
be jealous of sb. / sth. = žárlit na někoho / něco
get back at sb. = "vrátit to" někomu, pomstít se
take (time) = trvat

Poté, co jsme si představili základní obraty spojené s láskou, vztahy apod., tematicky navážeme s valentýnským textem.


Originally by Sinclair Nicholas, adapted by Mr. Milan Šácha.

Valentine's day is the holiday for romantic love. It has been for a very long time. What happens on Valentine's day is that everyone sends cards to each other. The cards say, "Happy Valentine's Day,"
or "Will you be my valentine?" People also buy heart-shaped candy that says stuff like, "You're Sweet," or "True Love," and they give it to the people they love.

For some reason, guys are supposed to give flowers to their girlfriends or/and wives, but a lot of them are too busy making money to remember, so a lot of them are made to feel guilty on Valentine's day. A lot of lovers end up having fights. Girls cry and yell at their boyfriends as if the poor guys' failure to remember a silly holiday somehow proved that they didn't care about their girlfriends any more.

                      the cards say = na těch přáních je napsáno
                      heart-shaped = ve tvaru srdce
                      stuff like = věci jako / něco jako
                      feel guilty = cítit se provinile
                      yell at sb. = křičet na někoho
                      as if = jako by
                      failure = neúspěch


I don't like the holiday at all, but the reason I don't is not because I have had fights with past lovers on that day. My dislike goes much further back, into childhood. I've been thinking back to this memory every Valentine's day since I was nine. I did something that I wish I hadn't.

In elementary school the children all must give each other Valentine's day cards. You're supposed to write something nice and then sign your name.

There was this one girl in our class named Esther Benson whom everyone teased because she was stupid and ugly. Her teeth were big and kind of green, she had trouble reading, and kids wouldn't sit next to her because she smelled like pee. In fact, one time she peed right there in the classroom, peed all over like a poorly trained dog.

But I am getting away from my story. The night before Valentine's day me and my friends Donny and Mike decided that we would write horrible things on our cards to Esther and not sign our names.
I wrote "Brush your ugly teeth," and I didn't sign it.


We all gave our cards to each other the next day during our classroom party, and a few minutes later the teacher called my name. I looked up and saw Esther standing next to the teacher's desk. I knew
I was in trouble. "Do you know why I called you up here?" the teacher asked. I shook my head no.
I figured I had nothing to lose.

The teacher handed me a card and asked me if I had seen it before. It said, "Brush your ugly teeth." I thought maybe I could bullshit my way out of it. "Maybe I've seen this card," I said, "but I'm not sure,
I mean, I've seen a lot of cards today and after seeing so many cards in one afternoon I have trouble remembering each one." That sounded good to me.

I could see that she did not believe me. "Sidney, stop lying and tell me the truth. Did you write this card?" I told her I did. "How would you feel if someone wrote you a card like that?" she asked. I knew
I would feel hurt, but I did not want to say that. I stood there staring at the ground.

                               I was in trouble = byl jsem v průšvihu
                               I shook my head no = potřásl jsem hlavou, jako že ne
                               I figured = myslel jsem si, říkal jsem si
                               hand = podat
                               I have trouble remembering... = těžko se mi pamatuje...
                               I would feel hurt = cítil bych se ublíženě
                               stare = zírat

The teacher told me to apologize to Esther. I did. Then I went back to my desk and sat down. I wondered why Donny and Mike did not get called to the teacher's desk. Then I knew: Donny and Mike did not write anything horrible to Esther. My two best friends tricked me. I looked over and the bastards were laughing about it. I didn't trust them after that; but the worst part is that I still feel bad about what I wrote.


Esther was a slow learner and they put her in a normal classroom where she looked stupid whenever she tried to read. She hated it; one time the teacher caught Esther eating toilet-bowl cleaner so that she would throw up and get out of school for the day. And we children were even crueler to her for it when we found out. We called her toilet mouth, and she hated school even more.

Esther, wherever you are, whatever you´re up to these days, I want you to know that I´m terribly sorry for writing all those mean things to you. I wish I could take it all back somehow and just make it up to you in some way. It really, really breaks me heart to know that I can´t.

If I knew your address, I would send you the most amazing Valentine´s Day card ever. But all I can do right now is hope and pray that you´re out there somewhere and maybe, by some coincidence, you will get to read this.

Happy Valentine´s Day.

Why Should You NEVER Travel to
the Netherlands?


So, you think you'd like to go check out the Netherlands, do you? Your friends have taken vacations there and have come back to tell you how awesome it is. Well, we've got news for you: They're lying to you. There's absolutely no good reason that you or anyone else should ever travel to the Netherlands for a vacation. Check out these reasons before you buy a plane ticket:

1. Culture. Who Needs It?

The absolutely last thing that you ever want to face when you're on a vacation is a new culture!
The unfamiliar can be frightening, and it's much better if you're surrounded by the people, language, art, music, and environments that you're already used to. There's simply too much new in the Netherlands to get used to. Sounds like work to us!

2. Amsterdam, More Like Amster-snooze

All right, we know that you've heard an awful lot about Amsterdam. You've probably seen some pictures of it, too. Well, Amsterdam is not all that it's cracked up to be! Sure it's full of plenty of interesting places to drink and smoke (we'll get to that). But, do you know what else it's full of?
Really old buildings. And, if there's one thing that's boring, it's a really old building.

3. Bunch of Pot-Smoking Hippies

This is probably the reason that you've heard so much about Amsterdam. As we understand it, it's incredibly easy to get your hands on all the marijuana you'd ever want to smoke. In fact, they have bars that are specifically designed for the purpose of smoking it. You know what that means, right? Amsterdam is full of pot smoking hippies that like to laugh, eat food and have a good time. That is
 the absolute worst!

4. Too Much Cheese

This is fair warning for those of you out there who are lactose intolerant or suspect that you might be. The Netherlands makes some of the best cheese in the entire world! How awful is that for you? You'll just be tempted as you move from storefront to storefront. All of those delicious cheese wedges, just staring you in the face, begging to be eaten. Even if you're not lactose intolerant, just think of all the calories! Better have a salad instead.

5. Too Much Fun

With all of the stuff going on in centers like Amsterdam, as well as in many small towns that dot the landscape, the people of the Netherlands have a lot of fun. If you're the kind of person that just can't stand to be around people who seem like they're having a better time than you are, this can make travelling around the Netherlands that absolute worst. Best to avoid the country altogether, then!

6. Who Wants to Ride a Bike?

If there's a favorite pastime in the Netherlands, it's riding bikes. You see, they have beautiful countryside with not-well-travelled roads lining it, as well as dirt paths, where people can hop on
the back of a bike to get around. Being on vacation is about relaxing! It's not about getting exercise and pedaling up and down hills from windmill to windmill.

go check out the Netherlands - zajet si omrknout Nizozemí (zejména v americké angličtině je možné na sloveso GO napojit rovnou infinitiv dalšího slovesa)
take vacation - jet někam na dovolenou
the absolutely last thing you want to face - poslední, s čím byste se chtěli setkat
the unfamiliar - neznámé věci, "to neznámé" (podobně např. the unknown - to neznámé, nepoznané)
surrounded by - obklopený někým/něčím
be used to - být na něco zvyklý (pozor, pokud po této vazbě následuje sloveso, musí být v -ing tvaru - I'm not used to getting up so  early - tuto vazbu odlišujte od used to do sth., které popisuje zvyk v minulosti: As a child, I used to see my grandparents a lot more often; případně viz gramatickou sekci). Hned vzápětí následuje jeho souputník v podobě get used to - zvyknout si na něco
(that) sounds like work to us - to nám připomíná práci. Ne vždy se hodí překládat sloveso SOUND
do češtiny slovem "znít", jako např. ve spojeních "that sounds terrible" (reakce na popis nějakého hrozného zážitku) - to muselo být strašné, "that sounds familiar" - to už jsem někde slyšel, "sounds awful" - to musí být ale hnus, "you sound like a resonable person" - působíš jako rozumný člověk,
"you sound rich" - vy asi budete bohatý (na základě toho, co vám dotyčný řekl) a na závěr hřebík
do rakve v podobě "you make it sound like it's my fault" - ty to podáváš, jako by to byla moje chyba
an awful lot - strašně moc, nechutně moc
Amsterdam is not that it's cracked up to be - není zas tak extra
plenty of places to drink - plno hospod, kde mají dobré pití
what else - co jiného, resp. v tomto textu "čeho jiného". S tázacími zájmeny se v tomto významu pojí právě slovíčko ELSE (why else would she do that? - proč by to jinak dělala?; where else can we meet? - kde jinde se můžeme sejít?)
it's easy to get your hands on... - snadno seženete, snadno si obstaráte
they are designed for the purpose of smoking - jsou od toho, aby se tam kouřilo
have a good time - bavit se, užívat si (s tímto výrazem je možno pracovat - have a great time, a wonderful time nebo naopak a horrible time apod. Viz dále v textu "they are having a better time than you are"
suspect - mít podezření
the Netherlands makes - nenechte se zmást tím, že "Netherlands" má na konci -s, jde o jednotné číslo
you'll be tempted - bude vás to lákat
staring you in the face, begging to be eaten - zírají na vás, ať už je sníte
better have a salad instead - to si radši dám salát (toto "better" je zkratka "had better", celá věta by zněla "I'd better have..." + za "instead" v tomto případě nesmí následovat předložka OF, jelikož za ním nenásleduje sloveso)
they dot the landscape - jsou rozeseté po celé zemi
can't stand sth. - nedokázat něco snést, ustát
this can make travelling the absolute worst - to vám může cestování úplně znechutit
best to avoid it altogether - nejlíp uděláte, když se tomu úplně vyhnete
pastime - volnočasová aktivita, hobby
they have beautiful countryside - je tam pěkná příroda (pozor, "příroda" zde nebude "nature", to se nepoužívá právě, když máme na mysli přírodu v nějaké konkrétní zemi, oblasti apod.)
get around - cestovat, dopravovat se někde
it's not about getting exercise - není to o cvičení/námaze (po předložce následuje sloveso v -ing tvaru)

Why Should You NEVER Travel to 
the Netherlands? (II)

7. They Call Soccer Football

The Netherlands happens to be one of those countries in the world where soccer is the preferred sport. In fact, they don't even call it soccer; they call it football. Now, you know what football is:
It's a sport where grown men run into one another at full speed in order to gain possession of an inflated piece of pigskin. It's not a sport where people kick a ball with their feet and a tie can be considered a victory. Gross!

8. The Women Are Too Beautiful!

If you're a single man on the prowl, then you absolutely 100% do not ever want to set foot in
the Netherlands. Why? Well, it happens to be a home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. You might say that this is a good thing. But, put some thought into it man! A trip to the Netherlands is going to completely spoil you. How will you ever find someone that reaches that standard when you get back home? You won't.

9. Wildlife? Come On, Now!

As if the plants and flowers weren't enough! The Netherlands also happens to be incredibly rich in animals. You see, you can travel to the beach and see deer grazing in the meadows nearby. It just sounds like one of those boring Renaissance paintings to us!

10. It's Dark At Night

There's another side effect to the lack of urbanization in the Netherlands. It can get really dark at night. This, of course, can make it quite hard to see if the moon's not out. Even worse, when it's that dark, you can look up into the night sky and see way more stars than you've ever seen before in your life. This is another thing that's just going to make you feel worse about wherever it is that you call home.

11. There's No Budweiser

Here in the states we drink our Budweiser, our Pabst Blue Ribbon, our Miller High Life, and all that and we like it! In the Netherlands, they simply don't care for our American beer. In fact, they think it's garbage. Can you believe that snobbery! If you're going to go out drinking in the Netherlands, be prepared for one thing. They don't understand what beer is all about: you're not supposed to enjoy it; it's supposed to get you drunk.

12. Windmills!?!

And how can we forget the windmills? If you've seen pictures of the Netherlands before, then we're willing to bet that they included these. The landscape is dotted with them. It's like, Come on Netherlands, can't you hop into the 21st century already? Don't you realize that we burn coal and use radioactive metals to generate power now? It's so much better!”

it happens to be - náhodou (jde o zemi, kde...)
in fact, they don't even call it soccer - vlastně tomu ani neříkají "soccer"
you know what football is - jde o nepřímou otázku, byť možná trochu nenápadnou, proto sloveso musí být na konci
a tie can be considered a victory - remíza se dá považovat za vítězství
single man on the prowl - svobodný chlap "na lovu" žen
set foot swh. - vkročit někam (velmi častá chyba, a to i u některých rodilých mluvčích, bývá "step foot"
you might say - dalo by se říct/namítnout, že... / člověk by mohl říct, že...
put some thought into sth. - zamyslet se nad něčím
spoil - zkazit, rozmazlit
rich in animals - bohatý na zvířata
see deer grazing - 1) DEER patří mezi slova, která mají v množném čísle stejný tvar jako v jednotném; 
2) ještě důležitější ale je -ing tvar po slovese SEE, abyste neříkali see how the deer graze
it just sounds like ... to us - důležitá je zde předložka, na jejímž místě by nás většinou pravděpodobně napadlo "for". Ne že by se jednalo o nějakou fatální chybu, ale to bývá v podobných případech přirozenější (To me, Math was always difficult to understand)
lack of sth. - nedostatek něčeho
this can make it quite hard to see - může být pak velmi obtížné vidět... 
when it's that dark - když je taková tma
they simply don't care for our beer - naše pivo je jim úplně šumák 
go out drinking - jít si zachlastat
it's supposed to get you drunk - má tě to opít
we are willing to bet - klidně se vsadíme, že...

St. Pat's Day (I) Losing My Religion

Originally by Sinclair Nicholas, adapted by Mr. Milan Šácha

I wonder if you have heard of St Pat's day. You may know that it has something to do with the Irish.
It does. It is also a lot of college students' favorite holiday. Why is that? I'll explain that in a little while. First I'd like to tell you how it all started and how it is celebrated today.

The celebration originally came from Ireland and pretty much explains why there are no snakes in Ireland anymore. You see, people believe that this holy guy named Pat drove all the snakes off the island some time in the 5th century. As a result, every year the Irish celebrate the day that Saint Patrick performed that miracle. But do not make the mistake of thinking the holiday is some kind of religious event. No, it is a holiday more like Mardi Gras. In some larger cities they have big parades and everyone drinks lots of beer. Green beer.

There is one college town that is famous for doing a great job of its St. Pat's day celebration. It is this engineering university in Rolla, Missouri. People come from all over the country to see the students party, but the truth is that the celebrations aren't as good as they used to be because of some problems they had. I happened to be there the year they had those problems, so let me tell you what happened.

with the Irish - s Iry (určitý člen se takto používá ve spojení s některými národnostmi, např. the English - Angličané, the Czechs - Češi, the French - Francouzi)
it has something to do ... it does - toto některé z vás možná zaskočí, proč je tu does, když v předchozí větě je has? Protože se jedná o sloveso mít použité po americkém způsobu (to poznáte tak, že za "has" nenásleduje "got"), kde se otázky, zápory a tím pádem i krátké odpovědi a reakce tvoří pomocí pomocných sloves DO a DOES (do you have time? Yes, I do). V našem případě tvar "does" vlastně nahrazuje významové sloveso have
why is that? - a proč? / proč to tak je?
in a little while - za malou chvíli
how it all started and how it is celebrated - oboje jsou to nepřímé otázky, chybou by bylo říct tell you how did it all start and how is it celebrated
pretty much explains - v podstatě vysvětluje
holy guy - možná vás napadne, jaký je rozdíl mezi holy a saint. V podstatě to lze odvodit z našeho textu. Nejjednodušší bude, když si zapamatujete, že saint (st.) se používá před jménem dotyčného svatého (St. Patrick, St. Vitus Cathedral), zatímco holy říká, že dotyčný byl svatořečen, uznán církví za svatého. Proto v této větě není saint, ten dotyčný se totiž nejmenoval st. guy :-), ale jde o to, že to byl světec
drove the snakes off the island / away from the island - vyhnal je z ostrova
as a result - a proto / v důsledku toho
perform a miracle - učinit zázrak
some kind of religious event - nějaká náboženská událost / akce. Když už jsme u toho, tak při překladu slova "akce" právě ve významu "událost" nepoužívejte v žádném případě slovo action!
it's more like Mardi Gras - je to spíš jako... (v téhle souvislosti doplním další podobné vyjádření českého "spíš" nebo v záporu naopak "ne moc, ne až tak": není žádný velký programátor, je spíš organizátor - he's not much of a coder, he's more of an organizer; je spíš na obtíž - he's more of a nuisance)
everyone drinks - všichni pijí (zrada je v tom, že výrazy someone, anyone, everyone, no-one patří v AJ do 3. os.č.j. po bok he, she a it, takže i u nich musí slovesa přibírat koncovku -s)
it's this university - je to taková jedna univerzita ("this" je zde synonymem k neurčitému členu)
people came from all over the country - sjeli se lidi z celé země
see the students party - opět se nám tu objevuje již několikrát připomínaný infinitiv, který následuje po slovesech smyslového vnímání, čili see, hear, smell, taste, feel). Zajímavost navíc - pokud bychom za podst.jm. students přidali apostrof, dostali bychom spojení večírek studentů (a students' party)
I happened to be there - náhodou jsem tam byl

St. Pat's Day (II) Green Beer

On the very first day of the festival, all the students go out and paint a bunch of the streets green.
No kidding, they literally paint whole streets green. It is the route of the parade, I guess. The town used to let the students do whatever they wanted during St. Pat's but they don't anymore.

There are these huge dormitories and they have giant parties all week and students from all over come to Rolla. The hotels get filled up and the town is kind of like Mardi Gras for a few days, but not as big. Still, it gets pretty crazy with all those students drinking endless amounts of green beer.

Then they have the contests I should tell you about. Groups of students compete with each other. Like they have these contests where the groups all try to drink the most beer within a certain amount of time. Or they have one contest where each person tries to drink a mug of beer as fast as they can.

Some of those guys are amazing, they drink the beer as fast as it pours down their throats. And without spilling any because that's part of the rules - you can't spill beer all over the place while you're drinking it. If you do and you get caught, everyone is allowed to pour green beer all over you. Actually, they aren't but wouldn't it be cool if they were?

on the very first day - úplně první den
a bunch of streets - pár ulic
no kidding - nekecám
literally - znamená "doslova", i když v našem textu bychom možná spíš řekli jednoduše "fakt". Zajímavé je, že i někteří rodilí mluvčí toto slovo používají špatně, a to v přesně opačném významu, tedy "obrazně vzato". K tomuto problému vytvořili editoři slovníku Merriam-Webster zajímavé vysvětlovací video: https://www.merriam-webster.com/video/literally - když v pravém dolním rohu kliknete na tlačítko "CC", zobrazí se titulky 
route - cesta, trasa
but they don't anymore - ale už je nenechávají (pomocné sloveso do nahrazuje sloveso let z předchozí části souvětí)
huge dormitories, giant parties - obrovské studentské koleje, obří večírky
get filled up - plnit se, zaplnit se
not as big - význam je asi jasný, ale této funkci slovíčka AS věnujte náležitou pozornost, šlo by ho nahradit slovem that
still, it gets pretty crazy with all those students drinking... ale stejně je to pořádný blázinec, když do sebe všichni ti studenti lijí ty spousty piva
contests I should tell you about - soutěže, o kterých bych vám měl říct (předložka je na konci proto, že jde o vztažnou větu, můžete si před I dosadit that)
try to drink the most beer within a certain amount of time - snaží se vypít co nejvíc piva v určitém časovém úseku
you can't spill beer all over the place - nesmíš to pivo všude rozlít
if you do (= if you spill the beer) and you get caught, everyone is allowed to spill beer all over you - když ho člověk rozlije a někdo ho nachytá, všichni ho smí polít pivem
actually, they aren't, but wouldn't it be cool if they were? - vlastně nesmí, ale nebylo by super, kdyby směli? 1) actually slouží pro opravdu předchozího tvrzení, že polívání pivem není problém; 2) následuje druhý kondicionál, v podmínkové části věty (s IF) obsahující past simple, v hlavní větě would(n't) + infinitiv slovesa 

St. Pat's Day (III) Duke Puke

There is one contest I would pay large amounts of money to see: the puke for distance contest.
Now, I would never take part in this myself, and I agree that it is a disgusting contest, but I simply can't stop laughing when I watch it. What happens is that these guys take turns drinking a beer, then they stick their fingers down their throats and puke as far as they can. They have to stay behind this white line when puking or they are disqualified. A referee with a measuring tape actually measures each contestant's effort. Some job, huh?

I was amazed at this one big fat guy who reminded me of a pig, and who seemed proud of looking like one. Anyway, this guy slammed a beer and puked twice as far as the second place guy. He had style, too, kind of like a discus thrower. He drank the beer, leaned forward with his big feet just barely behind the line, made this terrible sound as he puked, like an elephant, and the green stuff shot about twenty-five feet. The crowd roared.

All of the contestants get two chances, and the second time the pig guy did even better. He won at twenty-eight feet and seven inches. The announcer said the guy had beaten the all time record
by about
two and a half feet. The crowd went wild; the pig guy slammed a beer and puked all over
the crowd and a riot broke out. Everybody was throwing beer on each other and fighting, it was terrible. I had green beer all over me.

But that wasn't the problem I mentioned before. The main problem that year was that a couple of students apparently died of alcohol poisoning and the university was criticized for allowing such contests to take place. The newspapers mentioned the puke for distance riot and some other bad incidents, so the university and the town cracked down on the festival. They even banned the puke
for distance contest. That made me sad.

The next year the festival was not as fun, there were too many police and too many new regulations.
I never went again after that. Still, you should go see a St Pat's day festival if there is one near you, because you would definitely enjoy it.

puke for distance - blití do dálky
take part in sth. - účastnit se něčeho
take turns - střídat se
some job, huh? - to je teda práce, co? (SOME zde zesiluje podstatné jméno)
I was amazed at... - žasnul jsem nad...
remind sb. of sth. - připomínat někomu něco
be proud of sth. - být na něco hrdý (pokud následuje sloveso, musí být v -ing tvaru, jelikož OF je předložka, a k předložkám se vztahuje právě toto pravidlo)
one - zde slouží jako zástupné zájmeno, nahrazuje předmět z první věty, tedy pig
kind of like - tak trochu jako
lean forward - nahnout se dopředu
just barely behind the line - jen těsně za čárou (slovíčko BARELY nepodceňujte, hodí se ve významu "sotva, (jen) tak tak, skoro ne" apod. (A: Can you pay the rent? B: Just barely - A: Máš dost peněz na nájem? B: No, moc ne / tak tak splácím / jsem rád, že vyjdu s penězi; He barely finished the race - málem ten závod nedokončil)
he did even better - šlo mu to ještě líp (zase super spojení, dá se s ním různě operovat: how is he doing? - jak mu to jde?; you could have done better - mohl jsi být lepší; they will have to do better than that - tohle stačit nebude / budou muset být lepší; you're doing great! - vedeš si skvěle!)
the guy had beaten the all the time record by about... - ten chlap překonal světový rekord zhruba o...
the crowd went wild - dav zešílel
a riot broke out - vypuklo šílenství
a couple of students apparently died of alcohol poisoning - pár studentů podle všeho zemřelo na otravu alkoholem. 1) APPARENTLY je dobré znát a neplést s "obviously" (obviously znamená pochopitelně, samozřejmě, což by v našem případě bylo poněkud cynické tvrzení, že je pochopitelné, že někdo umřel, apparently naopak značí podle toho, co vím, co jsem slyšel apod.). 2) umřít na něco = die of sth. (cancer / a heart attack / a stroke etc.)
take place - konat se, probíhat
crack down on sth. - došlápnout si na něco

Why I'm Happy To Be Done With High School

Adapted from theodysseyonline.com

As a recent graduate, it's weird to say; but I could not be more relieved to be out of high school.
It's not to say that I didn't enjoy myself because I did. I had a great time with my friends, but I'm more than ready to move on and take on life.

1. One-sided friendships

We all have those friendships where we put more in than we get out. You see those people every single day, so you never truly know how fake or one-sided the friendship is. But once you graduate, you will realize who your true friends are and you'll be glad to have them by your side.

2. Drama

With high school, comes the drama. There will always be something going on. Whether it's people starting rumors, or just getting in fights over petty little things, the drama never ends. Thankfully, once you leave, you can take a deep breath and move on from the arguments.

3. Caring about what others think of you

When you're only 16 years old, you are growing and maturing into your own person, and with that comes wondering what others may think of you. But over time, it becomes easier to deal with, especially once you are able to move on from high school.

4. New people

All throughout school, you were surrounded by the same kids every day for most of your life. Although I have made some of the best friends I could have ever asked for, I am so excited to be able to make new friends and meet new people from all walks of life. Meeting new people with different experiences than you is extremely refreshing.

5. Being whoever you want to be

Once you go off to a whole new place with people and experiences you've never had, you can be whoever you want to be. You can create all new journeys for yourself. If you were the quiet kid in high school, that's how everybody knew you. But once you're at college, you can decide you don't want to be that person anymore.

I know maybe one day I'll look back and miss the little moments and memories, but for now, I'm ecstatic to be done with this chapter of my life. There is so much waiting for me, so many unknowns and journeys I have yet to face, and I could not be more happy about that.

be done with / be through with = skončit s něčím
a graduate = maturant, absolvent (člověk, který absolvoval SŠ / VŠ)
I could not be more relieved = strašně se mi ulevilo / jsem hrozně ráda (dosl. "nemůže se mi už víc ulevit"), podobně např. I couldn't agree more - naprosto souhlasím
It's not to say = tím nechci říct, že bych...
enjoy oneself = bavit se (I really didn't enjoy myself - fakt jsem se nebavil / fakt mě to nebavilo; did you enjoy yourselves on holiday? - měli jste se na dovolené fajn?)
move on and take on life = jít dál a začít žit
every single day = každý, každičký den
once you graduate = jakmile odejdete ze školy
you will realize who your true friends are - jedná se o něpřímou otázku, na které jsem zde upozorňoval už mnohokrát, samotná otázka by byla "Who are your true friends?", pokud ji ovšem předchází jiná věta, musí se slovosled změnit na oznamovací, ptáme se nepřímo
there will always be something going on = pořád se bude něco dít (použití THERE je zde víceméně ustálené, samozřejmě že větu "něco se děje" můžeme přeložit i jako "something is going on", ale "there" je zde pěkně idiomatické)
rumors = klepy, pomluvy
get in(to) a fight over sth. = pohádat se kvůli něčemu
thankfully = díkybohu, ještě že tak
take a deep breath = zhluboka se nadechnout
mature = dospívat (hojně se využívá také přídavné jméno, které má stejnou podobu jako sloveso, často ironicky - "Oh, that's so mature!" - ty jsi vážně jak malý, opak je immature - dětinský, nedospělý)
over time = časem, postupem času
it's easy to deal with = je to v klidu, snadno se to řeší (obdobně třeba "it's so hard to explain - to se tak těžko vysvětluje")
throughout school = po dobu, co člověk chodil do školy
be surrounded by = být obklopen někým/něčím
I'm excited to be able to make new friends = jsem hrozně ráda, že se můžu skamarádit s novými lidmi (tvar "be able to" je opisný tvar od slovesa CAN, v naší větě je použit proto, že mu předchází částice -to)
refreshing - dosl. "osvěžující", v našem kontextu bychom možná řekli "je to fajn změna / zkušenost"
go off to = vyrazit někam, odejít
that's how everybody knew you - tak tě každý znal (o významu konktrukcí "that's what/when/where/how toho zde bylo řečeno hodně, jen nenápadně připomínám)
once you are at college - jedná se o časovou větu (stejně jako kdyby místo "once" bylo "when"), proto je sloveso BÝT v přítomném čase
I'm ecstatic = jsem u vytržení / neskutečně šťastná (vyšší stupeň od "excited"). Pozor na pravopis, toto přídavné jméno se opravdu píše s -cs, nikoli s -x
journeys I have yet to face = cesty, které mě teprve čekají

Teaching to Learn (1) get the basics

Adapted from bbc.news - stories

John Corcoran grew up in New Mexico in the US during the 1940s and 50s. One of six siblings, he graduated from high school, went on to university, and became a teacher in the 1960s - a job he held for 17 years. But, as he explains here, he hid an extraordinary secret.

I was late in talking, but I went off to school with high hopes of learning to read like my sisters, and for the first year things were fine because there weren't many demands on us other than standing in the right line, sitting down, keeping our mouths shut and going to the bathroom on time.

And then in the second grade we were supposed to learn to read. But for me it was like opening a Chinese newspaper and looking at it - I didn't understand what those lines were, and as a child of six, seven, eight years old I didn't know how to articulate the problem.

I remember praying at night and saying, "Please Lord, let me know how to read tomorrow when I get up" and sometimes I'd even turn on the light and get a book and look at it and see if I got a miracle. But I didn't get that miracle.

At school I ended up in the dumb row with a bunch of other kids who were having a hard time learning to read. I didn't know how I got there, I didn't know how to get out and I certainly didn't know what question to ask. The teacher didn't call it the "dumb row" - there wasn't any cruelty or anything - but the kids called it the dumb row, and when you're in that dumb row you start thinking you're dumb.

At teacher conferences my teacher told my parents, "He's a smart boy, he'll get it," and they moved me on to the third, fourth and fifth grade. But I wasn't getting it. 

graduate from - obrat, který už zde zazněl vícekrát, znamená "dokončit školu"
went on to university - pokračoval ve studiu na VŠ
a job he held - práce, kterou vykonával
extraordinary - výjimečný, vyčnívající z řady
I was late in talking - špatně jsem mluvil / mluvil jsem hůř než ostatní (opět se nám tu objevuje pravidlo, že po předložce následuje sloveso v -ing tvaru)
things were fine - všechno bylo v pořádku
there weren't many demands on us - moc toho po nás nechtěli
go to the bathroom on time - dojít si včas na záchod (americká angličtina pro záchod používá buď zde užité bathroom nebo restroom, slovo toilet je spíše britské)
we were supposed to learn - měli jsme se naučit (protože se to po nás chtělo; něco jiného by bylo
we should have learnt that - to jsme se asi vážně měli naučit)
I didn't understand what those lines were - nechápal jsem, co se tam (dosl. v těch řádcích) píše (všimněte si slovosledu nepřímé otázky)
I didn't know how to articulate it - neuměl jsem to pojmenovat / vyjádřit (výraz know how to je v podstatě opisem tvaru can't, tedy neumět něco; do you know how to ski? - umíš lyžovat?)
I remember praying - vzpomínám si, že jsem se modlil (něco jiného by bylo I remembered to pray - vzpomněl jsem si a pomodlil se / nezapomněl jsem se pomodlit)
get a book - vzít si knížku
see if I got a miracle - schválně jestli se stane zázrak (je dobré si toto spojit se slovesem WAIT: I am waiting to see if they agree - čekám, jestli budou souhlasit / jestli se jim to bude zamlouvat; chybou by bylo spojit přímo sloveso a if: I am waiting if they agree
I ended up in the dumb row - skončil jsem mezi pomalými / hloupějšími
they were having a hard time learning to read - těžko se jim četlo / měli problém naučit se číst
I certainly didn't know... - a rozhodně jsem nevěděl...
he'll get it - on to pochopí / půjde mu to / naučí se to

Teaching to Learn (2) growing up

By the time I got to the fifth grade I'd basically given up on myself in terms of reading. I got up every day, got dressed, went to school and I was going to war. I hated the classroom. It was a hostile environment and I had to find a way to survive.

By the seventh grade I was sitting in the principal's office most of the day. I was in fights, I was defiant, I was a clown, I was a disruptor, I got expelled from school.

But that behaviour wasn't who I felt inside - it wasn't who I wanted to be. I wanted to be somebody else, I had a desire to succeed, I wanted to be a good student, but I just couldn't do it.

By the time I got to the eighth grade I got tired of embarrassing myself and my family.
I decided I was going to behave myself now - if you behave in high school you can find your way through the system. So I was going to be a teacher's pet and do whatever it takes to pass that system.

I wanted to be an athlete - I had athletic skills, and I had maths skills - I could count money and make change before I even went to school and I learned the times tables.

I had social skills too - I ran around with college kids, I dated the valedictorian - the student with the highest grades who gives a speech at the graduation ceremony, I was the homecoming king, I had people - mostly girls - do my homework for me.

I could write my name and there were some words that I could remember, but I couldn't write a sentence - I was in high school and reading at the second or third grade level. And I never told anybody that I couldn't read.

When I was taking a test I would look at someone else's paper, or I'd pass my paper over to somebody else and they'd answer the questions for me - it was fairly easy, amateur cheating. But when I went off to college on a full athletic scholarship it was a different story.

I thought, "Oh my gosh, this is way over my head, how am I going to be able to get through this?"

I belonged to a social fraternity who had copies of old exam papers. That was one way to cheat. I tried to take classes with a partner, somebody who would help me through. There were professors who used the same test year after year. But I also had to resort to more creative and desperate things.

give up on sb. - vzdát to s někým, zlomit nad někým hůl (předminulý čas je zde proto, že tou dobou, co byl v páté třídě, už to vzdal)
get dressed - obléknout se. Ohledně oblékání znovu připomenu další věci, které je dobré znát kromě tohoto get dressed, a sice get changed (převléknout se) put on sth. (obléknout si něco) a take off sth. (svléct si něco). Často studenti chybně používají put off místo take off.
hostile - nepřátelský (kolektiv, prostředí, podmínky apod.)
most of the day - většinu dne, větší část dne 
I was in fights (nebo také I got into fights) - pral jsem se se spolužáky
I got expelled - vyloučili mě
it wasn't who I felt inside - tak jsem se uvnitř necítil (pěkný zdůrazňovací prostředek)
I got tired of embarrassing myself - už mě nebavilo se ztrapňovat / měl jsem dost té ostudy
behave oneself - chovat se slušně
a teacher's pet - oblíbenec učitelů
I'll do whatever it takes to pass the system - udělám, co budu muset, abych prošel systémem
an athlete - sportovec (často se používá příd.jm. athletic - He's athletic - má nadání na sport, je to sportovec; podobně např. our daughter is very artistic - má nadání na umění, třeba malování; was he always so academic? - vždycky se tak dobře učil?)
make change - rozměňovat, vracet drobné zpět
date sb. - chodit s někým (v tomto spojení není předložka, pokud bychom řekli go out with sb., tam se naopak předložka používá)
I was the homecoming king - byl jsem králem třídních srazů
I had people do homework for me - zařídil jsem, aby za mě jiní psali úkoly (alternativa by byla "I got people to do HW for me", raději upozorním, že write homework se neříká, i když to asi víte)
take a test - psát test (varianty: do a test, sit for a test; pozor - write a test je Czenglish, a tím pádem chyba!)
I would look - zde would popisuje zvyk v minulosti - vždycky jsem se k někomu koukl (srovnatelné
s used to)
someone else's paper - cizí test, test někoho jiného. Výraz cizí se překládá dvěma způsoby, v jednotném čísle právě spojením someone else's, v množném čísle výrazem other people's (don't look at anyone else's test X don't look at other people's tests)
pass sth. (over) to sb. - podat, přistrčit někomu něco
scholarship - stipendium
this is way over my head - já se z toho zblázním, už mi to přerůstá přes hlavu, tohle už nedám
get through sth. - zvládnout
(social) fraternity - spolek studentů

Teaching to Learn (3) cheating out

In one exam the professor put four questions on the board. I was sitting at the back of the room, near the window, behind the older students. I had my blue book and I painstakingly copied the four questions off the board. I didn't know what those questions said.

I had arranged for a friend of mine to be outside the window. He was probably the smartest kid in school, but he was also shy and he'd asked me to fix him up with a girl by the name of Mary who he wanted to go to the spring formal dance with. I passed my blue book out the window to him and he answered the questions for me. I had another blue exam book underneath my shirt and I took it out and pretended I was writing in it.

I was praying that my friend was going to be able to get my book back to me and that he was going to get the right answers. I was so desperate. I needed to pass courses. I was at risk. There was another exam that I couldn't figure out how I was going to pass.

One night I went by the professor's office about midnight, he wasn't there. I opened the window with
a knife and I went in like a cat burglar. I'd crossed the line now - I wasn't just a student that was cheating, I was a criminal. I went inside and I looked around for the exam. It had to be in his office but
I couldn't find it. There was a file cabinet that was locked - it had to be in the file cabinet.

I did the same thing two or three nights in a row looking for that exam but I still couldn't find it. So one night, about one o'clock in the morning, I brought three of my friends with me and we went to the office. We carried out a four-drawer file cabinet, put it in a vehicle, and took it off campus to a college apartment. I had arranged for a locksmith to come. I put my suit and tie on - I was pretending to be
a young businessman who was leaving for Los Angeles the next day and the locksmith was saving my job by opening it. 

copy - opsat 
I didn't know what those questions said - nevěděl jsem, co to bylo za otázky / co na té tabuli bylo napsáno. Je dobré si uvědomit, že sloveso SAY se používá ve významu "být někdo psáno", např. What does the the noticeboard say? - co je napsáno na nástěnce?; Can you tell me what my T-shirt says? - Řekla bys mi, co mám napsané na tričku? Rozhodně nepoužívejte konstrukce typu what is there written apod.
I arranged for a friend of mine to... - zařídil, aby jeden kamarád byl...
he fixed him up with a girl - dal ho dohromady s jednou holkou
who he wanted to go to a dance with - význam je, předpokládám, jasný, gramaticky je zde důležitá předložka na konci, která se obecně takto umisťuje ve vztažných větách (I met a friend of mine who I went to school with - potkal jsem kamaráda, s kterým jsem chodil do školy; Are you talking about the competition that you signed up for? - mluvíš o té soutěži, do které ses přihlásil?)
take sth. out - vyndat něco (související velmi užitečné frázové sloveso take it out on sb. - vylívat si na někom vztek)
I was praying that my friend was going to be able to get it back to me - modlil jsem se, že mi ji kámoš dokáže vrátit. I když tento tvar vypadá hrozivě, jde jen o budoucnost vyjádřenou vazbou going to a schopnost vyjádřenou opisem be able to, není na tom nic nezvyklého:

  • I am able to do
  • I was able to do
  • I will be able to do
  • I am going to be able to do
  • I was going to be able to do (v hovorové angličtině se zde going to často nahrazuje tvarem gonna)

I opened the window with a knife - otevřel jsem okno nožem (jak už zde bylo vícekrát řečeno, pokud uvádíte, jakým nástrojem jste udělali nějakou činnost, používá se předložka with, nikoli by)
a cat burglar - obratný zloděj (který nezanechává stopy)
I'd crossed the line - přehnal jsem to, překročil jsem meze
in a row - za sebou, v řadě, po sobě
about one o'clock - kolem jedné hodiny (lze použít i around)
I brought three of my friends with me - přivedl jsem s sebou tři kamarády (nezapomínejte na koncové "with me", to by nemělo chybět!)
vehicle - vůz, vozidlo
we took it off campus - odvezli jsme to z areálu univerzity
I had arranged for a locksmith to come - zařídil jsem, aby přišel zámečník 
leave for - odjet někam (POZOR, nepoužívejte předložku to!)
by opening it - tím, že to otevře

Teaching to Learn (4) to teach or not to teach

He opened it, gave me a key, and sure enough, to my great relief there were more than 40 copies of the exam - a multiple choice paper - in the top drawer of the file cabinet. I took one copy back to my dormitory, where a "smart" classmate made a cheat sheet with all the correct answers.

We carried the file cabinet back and at five o'clock in the morning I was walking up to my room and thinking, "Mission impossible accomplished!" - and I was feeling pretty good that I was so clever. But then I walked up the stairs, lay down in my bed and started weeping like a baby. 

Why didn't I ask for help? Because I didn't believe there was anybody out there who could teach me to read. This was my secret and I guarded that secret.

My teachers and my parents told me that people with college degrees get better jobs, they have better lives, and so that's what I believed. My motivation was to just get that piece of paper. Maybe by a prayer, maybe by a miracle I would one day learn to read.

So I graduated from college, and when I graduated there was a teacher shortage and I was offered a job. It was the most illogical thing you can imagine - I got out of the lion's cage and then I got back in to taunt the lion again.

Why did I go into teaching? Looking back it was crazy that I would do that. But I'd been through high school and college without getting caught - so being a teacher seemed a good place to hide. Nobody suspects a teacher of not knowing how to read.

I taught a lot of different things. I was an athletics coach. I taught social studies. I taught typing -
I could copy-type at 65 words a minute but I didn't know what I was typing. I never wrote on a blackboard and there was no printed word in my classroom. We watched a lot of films and had a lot of discussions.

I remember how fearful I was. I couldn't even take the roll - I had to ask the students to pronounce their names so I could hear their names. And I always had two or three students who I identified early - the ones who could read and write best in the classroom - to help me. They were my teaching aides. They didn't suspect at all - you don't suspect the teacher.

One of my biggest fears was faculty meetings. We had them once a week and if the teachers were brainstorming the principal would call on somebody to get those ideas on to the board. I lived in fear that he would call on me, every week I was terrified, but I had a backup plan. If he had called on me I was going to get out of my chair and take two steps, grab my chest, drop to the floor and hope they called 911. Whatever it took not to get caught, and I never got caught.

Sometimes I felt like a good teacher - because I worked hard at it and I really cared about what I was doing - but I wasn't. It was wrong. I didn't belong in the classroom, I was trespassing. I wasn't supposed to be there and sometimes what I was doing made me physically sick, but I was trapped, I couldn't tell anybody.

sure enough - a taky že jo / fakt že jo
multiple choice - výběr z možností
dormitory - studentská kolej
shortage - nedostatek, úbytek
I was offered a job - nabídli mi práci. Podobně se používá trpný rod např. se slovesem TELL (Have you been told? - Řekli ti to už?) či GIVE (She was given a present - Dostala dárek / Dali jí dárek)
without getting caught - aniž by mě někdo chytil. Je zde trpný rod, protože on se určitě sám chytit nechtěl, k tomu sloveso GET musí být v -ing tvaru kvůli předložce without
being a teacher seemed a good place to hide - 1) being nezvykle v -ing tvaru slouží jako podmět; 
2) zvykněte si používat SEEM přímo s podmětem (he seems to be a nice guy; the boss seems to be glad); 3) výrazy place, time, thing a way se pojí s infinitivem s -to (place to hide, thing to do, way to learn, time to talk)
suspect sb. of (not) doing sth. - podezřívat někoho, že něco (ne) dělá
typing - psaní na klávesnici
65 words a minute - 65 slov za minutu (podobně se používá např. a week - za týden; an hour - za hodinu; a month - za měsíc; pozor - mezi předmětem a časem není žádná předložka typu českého za). Lze použít i slovíčko PER (65 words per minute, two hours per week)
take (the) roll / call (the) roll - udělat docházku
aides - pomocníci
you don't suspect the teacher - učitel se přece nepodezírá / nikdo přece nepodezírá učitele (YOU zde má obecnou platnost jako v němčině podmět man)
brainstorm - navrhovat řešení/možnosti při společné diskuzi, "házet nápady"
call on sb. - vyvolat (učitel žáka), pověřit někoho něčím
a backup plan - záložní plán, pokud něco nevyjde
take a step, grab my chest and drop to the floor - udělat krok, chytit se za hrudník a skácet se na zem
whatever it took not to get caught - cokoliv, aby mě nechytili / neodhalili
trespass - neoprávněně někam vniknout, nepatřit někam
what I was doing made me sick - dělalo se mi špatně z toho, co jsem dělal (MAKE zde má význam "kvůli něčemu", "z něčeho". You made me miss the train - kvůli tobě jsem zmeškal vlak; it made me question my decision - kvůli tomu jsem zapochyboval o svém rozhodnutí)

Teaching to Learn (5) the silver lining

I got married while I was a teacher. Getting married is a sacrament, it's a commitment to be truthful with another person and this was the first time I thought, "OK, I'm going to trust this person, I'm going to tell her." I practised in front of the mirror: "Cathy, I can't read. Cathy, I can't read." And one evening we were sitting on the couch and I said, "Cathy, I can't read."

But she didn't really understand what I was saying. She thought I was saying that I didn't read much. You know, love is blind and deaf. So we got married and we had a child and years later it really came home to her. I was reading to our three-year-old daughter. We read to her routinely, but I wasn't really reading, I was making the stories up - stories that I knew, like Goldilocks and The Three Bears, I just added drama to them. But this was a new book, Rumpelstiltskin, and my daughter said, "You're not reading it like mama."

My wife heard me trying to read from a child's book and that was the first time that it dawned on her. I had been asking her to do all this writing for me, helping me write things for school, and then she finally realised, how deep and severe this was. But nothing was said, there was no confrontation, she just carried on helping me get by.

It didn't relieve anything because in my gut I felt dumb and I felt like a fake. I was deceitful. I was teaching my students to be seekers of truth and I was the biggest liar in the room. The relief only came when I finally learned to read. I taught high school from 1961 to 1978. Eight years after I quit my teaching job, something finally changed.

I was 47 going on 48 when I saw Barbara Bush - then Second Lady of the US - talking about adult literacy on TV. It was her special cause. I'd never heard anybody talking about adult literacy before, I thought I was the only person in the world that was in the situation I was in.

get married - oženit se / vdát se. Toto spojení lze použít i s předmětem, potom za ním musí následovat předložka TO, nikoli with!! (I met a gorgeous girl and got married to her almost immediately). Případně můžete použít pouze sloveso MARRY (I met this girl and I married her...)
commitnent - závazek (be commited to sth. - být něčemu oddaný)
be truthful with sb. - vždycky si říkat navzájem pravdu
it came home to her - konečně si to plně uvědomila, došlo jí to
three-year-old - tříletý (pokud takto chcete tvořit číselné údaje spojené s věkem, pak u podstatného jména YEAR nesmí být na konci -s a všechna tři slova musí být spojena spojovníky ("krátkými pomlčkami")
make sth. up - vymýšlet si
my wife heard me trying - slyšela, že se snažím (znovu připomínám dvě možné varianty - infnitiv bez
nebo -ing tvar (heard me try OR heard me trying)
it dawned on her - podobný význam jako "it came home to her" - konečně si to uvědomila
I had been asking her - žádal jsem ji (předminulý čas proto, že ji žádal předtím, než jí to konečně řekl)
helping me write - po slovesu HELP může následovat infinitiv buď s částicí -to nebo i bez, málokdy však češtině nejbližší varianta helping me with writing
severe - vážný, závažný (nemoc, problém apod.)
she carried on helping me get by - jazykově skvostný úsek, kde se v jedné větě objevují hned dvě nedávno zmíněné skutečnosti, a sice: 1) -ing tvar slovesa HELP, který je zde kvůli předložce ON; 
2) infinitiv get by následující po slovese help. Kromě toho samozřejmě samy obraty carry on doing sth. (pokračovat v něčem) a get by (držet se nad vodou, nějak to zvládat)
in my gut - uvnitř, vnitřně
I felt like a fake - podst. jm. FAKE může mít různé významy, zde bychom asi nejspíše řekli podvodník
deceitful - podvodný, lživý (význam vlastně shodný s předchozí větou)
relieve sth. - ulevit od něčeho (hned na dalším řádku je použito podst.jm. RELIEF - úleva)
then - tehdejší
literacy - gramotnost (a literate person - gramotný člověk)

Teaching to Learn (6) decision time

I was at this desperate spot in my life. I wanted to tell somebody and I wanted to get help and one day in the grocery store I was standing in line and there were two women in front of me talking about their adult brother who was going to the library. He was learning to read and they were just full of joy and I couldn't believe it. So one Friday afternoon in my pinstriped suit I walked into the library and asked to see the director of the literacy programme and I sat down with her and I told her I couldn't read.

That was the second person in my adult life that I had ever told.

I had a volunteer tutor - she was 65 years old. She wasn't a teacher, she was just somebody who loved to read and didn't think anybody should go through life without knowing how to.

One of the things that she had me do in the early stages was to try to write because I had all these thoughts in my mind and I'd never written a sentence. The first thing that I wrote was a poem about my feelings. One of the things about poetry is that you don't have to know what a complete sentence is, and you don't have to write in complete sentences.

She got me to about sixth-grade-level reading - I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. But it took me about seven years to feel like I was a literate person. I cried, I cried, and I cried after I started learning to read - there was a lot of pain and a lot of frustration - but it filled a big hole in my soul. Adults who can't read are suspended in their childhoods, emotionally, psychologically, academically, spiritually.
We haven't grown up yet.

I was encouraged by my tutor to tell my story to motivate others and promote literacy, but I said, "No way. I've lived in this community for 17 years, my children are here, my wife is here - she's a professional, my parents are here, I'm not going to tell this story." But eventually I decided I would. It was an embarrassing secret and it was a shame-based secret, so it was a big decision.

at a desperate spot - v zoufalé situaci
grocery store - obchod s ovocem a zeleninou
line - fronta
there were two women talking - gerundium zde zkracuje vztažnou větu "two women who were talking"
a volunteer tutor - dobrovolný "doučovatel", soukromý učitel
love to do sth. - neznamená jen "milovat", ale i "dělat něco hrozně rád", podobně jako hate to do sth. - hrozně nerad něco dělat
one of the things she had me do - jednou z věcí, kterou po mě chtěla 
one of the things about poetry is... - jedna z výhod poezie je / poezie má velkou výhodu, a to... (tohle je taková modelová vytýkací konstrukce, kterou zdůrazníte nadcházející předmět věty)
write in complete sentences - psát v celých větách (podobně např. write in pencil / pen - psát tužkou / propiskou)
it took me about seven years -  trvalo mi to sedm let (tento význam slovesa TAKE je čas od času dobré si připomenout, zapamatujte si třeba modelové věty typu how long does it take you to get to work?;
it took me a while (nějakou dobu mi to trvala); it shouldn't take long (nemělo by to dlouho trvat)
I was encouraged by my tutor to... - moje učitelka mi dodala odvahu, abych...
no way - to teda ani omylem
I'm not going to tell my story - svůj příběh neřeknu / nechci říct / nehodlám říct
I decided I would - rozhodl jsem se, že ho řeknu. Zajímavé jsou dvě věci: 1) WOULD kvůli posunu časů (v přímé řeči by bylo will); 2) a pro velký úspěch znovu would, tentokrát proto, že nahrazuje sloveso tell z předchozí věty, které tím pádem nemusíme opakovat

Teaching to Learn (7) happy ever after

It wasn't easy but once I'd made up my mind I was going to tell the story. I told it all across America,
I spoke to anybody that would listen. I guarded this secret for decades and then I blasted it to the world. I was on Larry King, I was on the ABC News magazine show 20/20, I was on Oprah.

It was uncomfortable for people to hear the story of the teacher who couldn't read. Some people said it was impossible and that I was making the whole story up. But I want people to know there is hope, there is a solution. We are not "dumb", we can learn to read, it's never too late.

Unfortunately we are still pushing children and teens through school without teaching them basic reading and writing skills. But we can break this cycle of failure if instead of blaming teachers we make sure they are properly trained.

For 48 years I was in the dark. But I finally got the monkey off my back, I finally buried the ghost of my past. 

make up one's mind - rozhodnout se (související fráze change one's mind - rozmyslet se, zvolit jinak)
all across America - v celé Americe / po celé Americe (dosl. napříč celou Amerikou)
I was on... - byl jsem v (pořadu)... Stejně tak by bylo on the radio, on TV, on the news
it was uncomfortable for people to hear... - lidem se nelíbilo, když slyšeli... (spojením FOR ... TO ... uvádíme na scénu předmět věty, tedy slovo "people" a sloveso, které se k němu vztahuje). Výraz
be uncomfortable je dobré si asociovat s českým necítit se dobře, nebýt ve své kůži (I am not very comfortable around these people = I am uncomfortable around these people - necítím se s těmihle lidmi dobře)
I want people to know there is hope - chci, aby lidi věděli, že existuje naděje. Jedna ze stěžejních vazeb, na kterou jsem zde poukazoval na mnohých místech - want sb. to do sth., tedy chtít, aby někdo něco udělal
without teaching, instead of blaming - opět si všimněte -ing tvaru slovesa po předložce
make sure - postarat se aby, přesvědčit se že, zařídit aby, dát pozor aby...
bury - pohřbít (pozor, výslovnost bery)

Time to go to Sleep

Adapted from dailymirror

Do you ever go to bed ridiculously early because you need to wake up on time for work - then feel even more tired in the morning?

Well, you might be doing it wrong.

Don't just think that by getting more hours of sleep, you'll be more refreshed in the office the next day. Apparently it's a bit more complicated than that.

But, luckily for us, someone has created a 'sleep calculator', being used on blinds company site web-blinds.com, so we can work out when we need to hit the sack in the click of a button.

Apparently it has more to do with sleep cycles rather than getting more hours of sleep. If you wake up at the wrong time during a sleep cycle, you'll find yourself more tired - even if you were asleep for longer.

Need to make sure you're awake and getting out of bed at 7am? Then you need to go to bed at either 9.46pm or 11.16pm.

If you're having a late night and you don't fancy either of these, then 12.46am and 2.16am will also work.

The sleep calculator works with the average of 14 minutes it takes people to naturally fall asleep, so you don't necessarily need to be in bed by this time.

Don't need to get up super early to get to work on time? Have no fear. Here's what time you need to go to bed for an 8am rise: 10.46pm, 12.16am, 1.46am or 3.16am.

The Sleep Calculator website reads: "Getting a good night's sleep is about more than simply going to bed early - it's about waking up at the right time too.

The calculator works on the principle that everyone sleeps in about five or six cycles which last roughly 90 minutes.

Waking up midway through a cycle can leave you feeling grumpy the next day. The idea is to wake up in between cycles and feel refreshed in the morning.

do you ever... - příslovce EVER se navzdory typické školní poučce o jeho užití v předpřítomném čase dá použít v jakémkoli čase, zde má tedy význam (vůbec) někdy v přítomnosti
ridiculously early - neskutečně brzo, hrozně brzo. Příd.jm. ridiculously může mít de facto pozitivní i negativní význam (the prices are ridiculously high X he was a ridiculously good student)
you might be doing it wrong - možná to děláte špatně (průběhový čas pro zdůraznění)
by getting more sleep - tím, že budete víc spát
refreshed - "čerstvý", odpočatý
apparently - zjevně, podle všeho
a bit more complicated than that - poslední dvě slova jsou víceméně idiomatická, v některých spojeních se používají, v některých ne, jde o ustálenost daného výrazu, zde se vztahují k tvrzení začínajícímu tím "by getting more hours of sleep". Časté je využití ve frázi "You'll have to do better than that" (budeš se muset víc snažit)
luckily for us - naštěstí pro nás
being used - který se teď používá
work out - zjistit, přijít na něco
hit the sack - jít spát (pochází z historie, kdy lidé spávali na pytlích vycpaných senem)
it has more to do with sleep cycles rather than... - má to spíš co dělat se spánkovými cykly spíš než s...
at the wrong time - ve špatný čas (AT je předložka, která se obecně pojí s časovými údaji - at seven o'clock, at night, at half past four...)
be asleep = (be) sleep(ing) - spát (podobně be awake - být vzhrůru či be alive - být naživu)
either ... or ... - buď ... nebo ...
if you don't fancy either of these = if you fancy neither of these - pokud se vám nelíbí ani jedno
it will also work - taky to bude fungovat
fall asleep - usnout
by this time - nejpozději do...
super early - mimořádně brzo, extrémně brzo (angličtina nepoužívá slovo SUPER jako podst.jm. tak jako čeština, zpravidla tedy nezaslechnete samotnou větu it's super; má však využití právě jako jméno přídavné - super early, super funny...)
an 8am rise - vstávání v 8 hodin
get a good night's sleep - dobře se v noci vyspat
last - trvat
roughly - zhruba, okolo
midway through = halfway through - během něčeho (halfway through a lesson, halfway through a trip...)
grumpy - nabručený, rozmrzelý
in between cycles - v době mezi cykly

The Abusive Mom (1) my friends and I

By Payton Howard, theonion.com

Ever since high school, my friends and I have had our own little roles to play within our group. Elise is the stylish one, Jen is the smart one, Yasmin is the party animal, and me? Well, my girl pals can always count on me for tough love, candid advice, my fiercely protective nature, and the cruel, calculated manipulation tactics I use to keep them all in check.

Yup, I guess you could say I'm the emotionally abusive mom of my group of friends!

Every group has one: that nurturing, maternal person who offers a shoulder to cry on, is quick with a backhanded compliment, and, when necessary, doesn't hesitate to tell a friend she's a completely worthless person and always will be. While Elise keeps us up-to-date on spring fashion trends, and Yasmin has the scoop on the hottest new bars, I'm the one who repeatedly humiliates my friends in public after first lulling them into a false sense of security with excessive generosity and attention.

ever since high school - už od střední
have had our roles - předpřítomný čas je zde proto, že ty role mají právě od střední až doteď
within our group - v naší skupině / uvnitř naší skupiny
the stylish one, the smart one - ta vymóděná, ta chytrá (ONE má zástupnou funkci, nahrazuje vlastně podst.jm. girl)
party animal - "vymetač večírků"
pal - kamarád/ka (známé je např. spojení e-pal - kamarád na dopisování)
candid - upřímný, otevřený
nature - zde: povaha
keep sb. in check - kontrolovat někoho, vědět co kdo pořád dělá
I guess you could say - asi by se dalo říct (YOU je zde míněno obecně - lidi/člověk/někdo)
nurturing - pečující
backhanded - dvojsmyslný
doesn't hesitate to tell... - tvar třetí osoby je tu proto, že pomocné sloveso se vztahuje k podmětu ONE)
a completely worthless person - naprosto zbytečný/bezcenný člověk (šlo by použít i totally)
and always will be - nezapomínejte, že budoucí čas slovesa BE je will be, ne jen samotné will
while - zatímco
she keeps us up-to-date on new trends - pořád nás informuje o nových trendech
have the scoop on sth. - být v obraze ohledně něčeho, mít přehled
I'm the one who humiliates my friends - a já ponižuju přátele (slouží pro zdůraznění)
in public - na veřejnosti (pozor na správnou předložku a na neexistenci členu v tomto spojení)
false - falešný
lull - ukolébat, ukonejšit (you don't have to remember this one, don't worry)
excessive - nadměrný, přemrštěný

The Abusive Mom (2) besties again

When they're feeling down, I'm the only one they trust with their worries, because I've convinced them no one else will ever care. My girls tell me things they won't even tell each other, thanks to my ongoing campaign of lies pitting one against the other. They know they can confide in me and that I'll use their secrets to crush them if they ever cross me. On the other hand, I never sugarcoat things. If I think one of them needs to be told she's a tedious fucking bitch with bad skin, I'll tell her straight to her face.

Day or night, I'm the one they can always turn to, whether for an offhand belittling remark, or an all-out unexplained silent treatment that lasts for days. I guess that's just my abusive maternal instinct!

Like every group of friends, we fight sometimes. But even when we have our differences, my girls understand I'll always be ready to burst into tears and demand to know why they would make me suffer like this after everything I've done for them. Later on, after we've cooled down and I've let them stew in their self-resentment for a while, we're right back to being besties again.

feel down = cítit se mizerně
convince sb. = přesvědčit
ongoing = trvající, přetrvávající
pit sb. against sb. = stavět někoho proti někomu jinému
confide in sb. = svěřit se, důvěřovat
cross sb. = zde: podrazit
sugarcoat = přibarvovat, přikrášlovat, podávat v lepším světle
he needs to be told = je potřeba mu to říct
tedious = nudný, jednotvárný
offhand = odměřený, nepříjemný
belittling = zde: shazující, znevažující
remark = poznámka, komentář
all-out = totální, obrovský
silent treatment = "tichá domácnost" (she gave me the silent treatment - nebavila se se mnou)
fight / have a fight = hádat se
why they would make me suffer like this = proč bych kvůli nim měla tak trpět (nepřímá otázka, navíc MAKE se pojí s holým infinitivem, co byste chtěli víc)
cool down = "vychladnout"
stew = podusit, vyžrat si to
self-resentment = vztek na sebe samého
we're right back to being besties again = jsme hned zase nejlepší kámošky (bestie - zkrácené "best friend")

The Abusive Mom (3) there for you

Sure, there are times when I'd rather have a carefree night on the town without worrying about whether my friends are squarely under my thumb. Sometimes when we're out at a club, I'm not in the mood to tell them they're embarrassing themselves, bark "Let's go!" and then pull them off the dance floor, making a scene in front of everyone. But I still do it, and you know why? That's just what unstable, borderline-psychotic moms do!

Hey, if it weren't for me, who would bring Yasmin way too many tequila shots just so she'll appreciate how important I am to her a few hours later when I'm holding back her hair as she pukes?

Though I play the motherly role, that doesn't mean our friendships aren't a two-way street. For every time I've reduced them to tears in the middle of a Victoria's Secret, there's been an occasion on which I've stormed out of a birthday party sobbing after getting only a vague response to the gift I gave them - a reaction that leaves them feeling guilty, ashamed, and desperate to get back into my good graces. Just last week, when Jen was finally opening up about her painful childhood, I turned right back around and tearfully accused her of taking advantage of our friendship by saddling me with her emotional baggage.

carefree = bezstarostný, pohodový
at a club = v klubu, stejně jako např. at a party, at a meeting
I'm not in the mood to... = nemám náladu na to, abych... (spojení "mít náladu" je jedno z těch, kde nepoužíváme sloveso mít na rozdíl od češtiny)
embarrass oneself = ztrapňovat se
pull them off the dance floor = strhnout je z parketu
if it weren't for me = kdyby nebylo mě / nebýt mě
shot = panák
she's way too important to me = je pro mě až moc důležitá
as = když (šlo by nahradit slovy when nebo while)
though = i když (zkrácené even though)
our friendship is a two-way street = naše přátelství je vzájemné (opětujeme, co pro nás dělá ten druhý)
storm out = vyřítit se odněkud
sob = vzlykat
after getting - opět po předložce následuje -ing tvar, stejně jako výše "without worrying"
vague = nijaký, nemastný neslaný
it leaves them feeling guilty = cítí se potom provinile
desperate = zoufalý
be in one's good graces = být s někým zadobře
I accused her of taking advantage of our friendship = obvinila jsem ji, že využívá našeho přátelství
saddle sb. with sth. = hodit někomu něco na krk

The Abusive Mom (4) a rewarding role

At the end of the day, I really just love taking care of my girls, whether that means loudly rebuffing every man who approaches them, giving them unsolicited dieting tips, or buying the next round of mimosas at brunch and then-if she doesn't return the favor-asking Elise why she's such a goddamn selfish cunt. Even when times are tough, what matters most to me is that my girls know I have their backs and will never abandon them. Unless, of course, they let me down in some small way, in which case I may just lose it and start smacking the shit out of them.

Being the abusive mom might not seem like the most fun role to play in a group of friends, but for me, it's the most rewarding.

Our friendship will last forever because my girls realize if they ever try to leave, I will make them regret it for the rest of their fucking lives.

I love taking care of the girls = hrozně ráda se o ty holky starám
rebuff = rázně odmítnout, zavrhnout
unsolicited = nevyžádaný
dieting tips = rady ohledně stravování (pozor, slovíčko diet nemusí znamenat jen dieta, ale i stravování celkově; pokud byste chtěli říct, že držíte dietu, hodí se spojení I'm on a diet)
return the favor = oplatit někomu laskavost, udělat pro někoho něco na oplátku
such a ... - zde by byla chyba použít so, protože následuje podstatné jméno (cunt). Něco jiného by bylo why she's so selfish
what matters most to me is... = a nejvíc mi záleží na tom, že... (tyto struktury jsou pro angličtinu typické, jak jste jistě pochopili z předcházejících textů, nenechte se zlákat doslovným překladem "a to, na čem mi záleží nejvíc, je...")
I have your back = stojím při tobě
unless = když ne, pokud ne
let sb. down = zklamat, zradit, nechat ve štychu
lose it = přestat se ovládat, rozčílit se
fun - pozor, FUN jako příd.jm. není totéž co FUNNY. Když je něco funny, je to vtipné, srandovní, zkrátka něco, z čeho je vám do smíchu. Naproti tomu, když je něco fun, tak je to pro vás zábava, něco, co vás baví. Může to být činnost i člověk (he's fun to be with, he tells such funny stories - je zábavný, vypráví samé srandovní příběhy)
rewarding - naplňující, uspokojující

Letter to Daddy (1) think it over

Originally from theonion.com

Daddy, I've been thinking. I know I never talk to you about Facebook. You've worked really hard on it, and it means a lot to you, so as your daughter I've always tried to keep quiet whenever it comes up. But I just can't stay silent anymore. It's time for me to stand up for what's right.

I don't want to live in the world your website has created, Daddy.

You said Facebook would be a new way for everyone to connect and make friends, but I've noticed most of those connections are kind of superficial. I think the site has probably done more dividing than uniting, don't you? It pretty much just reinforces people's biases, spreads a lot of lies, and fills our world with hate. That has made it easier for politicians and corporations to manipulate people. Now everyone is worse off, and it's all your fault!

By the way, it doesn't help that you use people's data to sell advertisements. Nobody likes it when you do this. Nobody. You know that, right, Daddy? So why do you do it?

I've been thinking - fráze, výborně se hodící na úvod rozhovoru, když si potřebujete uspořádat v hlavě, co vlastně chcete říct, a chcete získat trochu času. Tvar "thinking" lze nahradit i "wondering"
You've worked hard on it - předpřítomný čas značí, že na tom pracoval a stále pracuje, zde bychom ho přeložili spíše přítomným časem
as your daughter - jako tvoje dcera (zde by se nehodilo použít LIKE, něco jiného by bylo např. She's your colleague, but she acts like your sister)
whenever it comes up - kdykoli na to přijde řeč. Je dobré si rozlišit dvojici COME UP a BRING UP. První zmíněné spojení se pojí s podmětem IT, jak vidíte i v této větě, kdežto druhé s člověkem, který na danou věc přivede řeč (they brought up the issue of abortion at the conference - na konferenci se řešilo téma potratů)
you said FB would be a new way for everyone to connect - 1) WOULD je "will" posunuté do minulosti kvůli časové souslednosti; 2) a way for everyone to connect - způsob, jak se všichni připojí (vazbou for... to... se dají občas pěkně překládat účelové věty, viz výše "it's time for me to stand up...")
make friends - idiomatické spojení "skamarádit se". Pokud se už s někým kamarádíte, tedy doslova jste přáteli s někým, používá se vazba be friends with sb. (are you friends with John? - kamarádíš se s Honzou?)
most of the connections are kind of superficial - většina těch spojení je taková povrchní (znovu říkám, může být buď most connections nebo most of the connections, ale ne most of connections!!)
the site has done more dividing than uniting - ta stránka spíš lidi rozděluje, než spojuje
pretty much - vlastně, v podstatě
that has made it easier for politicians and corporations to manipulate people - kvůli tomu mohou politici a podniky lépe manipulovat s lidmi
now everyone is worse off - teď je na tom každý akorát tak hůř (opakem je logicky be better off: I'm better off without her - bez ní je mi líp) 
nobody likes it when you do this - význam je jasný, zajímavé je zájmeno IT, které je takto ustálené ve spojení se slovíčky like, love a hate (I love it when... / I hate it when...)

Letter to Daddy (2) smart enough

Everybody says you're really smart, but why would a smart person want to build something that makes people unhappy? Daddy, be honest: Did you make your website bad on purpose? In your Senate hearing, you said you didn't know all the ways it was hurting people. But if you made the whole website, wouldn't you know everything about it, even all the bad things it can do to people? It seems like you're lying to everybody-even me. Aren't you worried about how I will grow up in this terrifying world that you, personally, have given us? Doesn't that matter to you?

Come on, Daddy. The whole thing is so completely obvious. All you and your website do is hurt people. I mean, really, what you did to journalism alone! You created a platform that cripples publishers and severely limits the reach of their content. Facebook made it so hardly anyone can afford to pay reporters anymore. And it made people stop trusting the news. Don't you understand how essential
a free press is to preserving our democracy? Don't you know anything about the Constitution?

Christ, Daddy, didn't you go to Harvard?

everybody says - občas je dobré si připomenout, že výrazy somebody, anybody, everybody a nobody patří v angličtině gramaticky do 3.os.j.č., v přítomném čase tedy slovesa přibírají koncovku -s
something that makes people unhappy - něco, z čeho jsou lidi nešťastní / kvůli čemu jsou nešťastní
on purpose - schválně
you said you didn't know - sloveso KNOW je ve tvaru minulého času opět kvůli časové souslednosti
(v době toho slyšení říkal, že neví)
aren't you worried about how I will grow up? - copak si neděláš starost o to, jak budu vyrůstat?
1) anglické záporné otázky se používají právě tehdy, když chceme vyjádřit ono "copak", podivení se nad nějakou skutečností; naproti tomu v "nabízecích" otázkách typu nechceš ještě něco k pití? se používá kladná forma otázky: would you like something else to drink?; 2) všimněte si spojení "about how (I will grow up)" - spojování tázacích slov s předložkami je pro angličtinu poměrně typické a je jednou z věcí, které se bojíme používat
personally - osobně, přímo
doesn't that matter to you? - copak ti na tom nezáleží?
come on - ale no tak
the whole thing is so obvious - vždyť je to celé tak jasné (v angličtině je to THING potřeba, jakkoli je oproti češtině navíc) 
all you do is hurt people - ty akorát ubližuješ lidem (s touto konstrukcí jsme se setkali již mnohokrát, důležité je, že sloveso je zpravidla ve tvaru infinitivu bez částice -to)
severely - vážně, závažně
hardly anyone can afford to pay reporters - skoro nikdo si nemůže dovolit platit reportéry. Jen pro připomenutí - hardly není příslovce od HARD (you need to study hard if you want to pass the maturita - musíš se hodně učit, abys složil maturitu NE study hardly)
it made people stop trusting the news - kvůli tomu lidi přestali důvěřovat zprávám/novinám
essential - zásadní, základní
constitution - ústava
christ - ježišikriste

Letter to Daddy (3) think about it

When you really think about it, it's not that surprising that you got the whole idea for your big website when you were in college and wanted a way to vote on which girls you thought were pretty. If only you'd just had enough self-esteem to trust that you'd eventually marry someone nice like Mommy, then maybe all this trouble could've been avoided.

You know, Daddy, you don't have to work on your website forever. Maybe you could get a different job! My friend Madison's daddy is a doctor. He helps sick people get better. I want to tell my friends that my daddy has a job where he helps people. Sometimes I'm so ashamed of what you do that I tell them I don't have a dad at all. Seriously, Daddy, have you ever helped anyone in your whole life?

Is it all about the money? You have $72 billion, money that came from hurting people. When will it be enough? Remember, no matter how much you donate to charity, people will always remember you as a bad person who created a bad thing. That makes me sad, and it should make you sad, too. Daddy, how do you sleep at night knowing that so many people hate you?

it's not that surprising - až takové překvapení to není (THAT se často používá v záporných větách pro zmírnění podstatného či přídavného jména (it's not that big of a deal - zas takový problém to není)
a way to vote on which girls you thought were pretty - 1) spojení "way how to" v angličtině neexistuje, slovíčko WAY se pojí přímo s infinitivem slovesa; 2) WERE je zde kvůli posunu časů
if only you'd just had - IF ONLY má stejný význam jako I WISH, jde tedy o přací větu. Stažený tvar 'd zkracuje HAD (= předminulý čas, jde o přání v minulosti). Druhé 'd zkracuje WOULD (you would eventually marry...)
eventually - nakonec (synonymum k "in the end")
nice - toto slovo nemusí zdaleka znamenat jen "hezký" (vzhledově), má daleko širší pole působnosti ve významu "milý, příjemný, sympatický" apod.
all of this trouble could've been avoided - všem těmhle problémům se možná šlo vyhnout (jde o trpný rod a zároveň minulý čas modálního slovesa COULD)
get a different job - sehnat si jinou práci
get better - uzdravit se (související fráze je get well soon - brzy se uzdrav)
a job where he helps people - práce, ve které pomáhá lidem. Toto použití zájmena WHERE není úplně typické, lze jím nahradit např. spojení in which, at which apod.
be ashamed of sth. - stydět se za něco. Konkrétně ve větě z tohoto textu opět vidíte spojení předložky a tázacího slova (ashamed of what you're doing)
at all - vůbec (v záporných větách)
it's all about the money - jde jen o peníze
no matter how much you donate - bez ohledu na to, kolik peněz věnuješ / nehledě na to / ať věnuješ kolik chceš peněz...
how do you sleep at night knowing... - 1) spojení AT NIGHT je bez členu, naproti tomu IN THE NIGHT (kterým se většinou myslí už nějaká konkrétní noc) člen má; 2) -ing tvar slovesa KNOW zkracuje větu "when you know..."

Letter to Daddy (4) say goodbye

You say you want people to connect, but with all the bad things you do, you're just pushing me further and further away. I'm not sure I even know who you are deep down. And I'm not sure I really want to know the person who created this website. Are you a monster, Daddy? I'm scared to be related to you.

Mommy says you love me more than anything. But Daddy, if you really love me, you'll make this right.
If you make your website go away, then maybe the world can be a nice place again! Please, Daddy, please make your website go away!

Okay, Daddy. I want you to think about what I've just said, and until you're ready to make a change,
I think it's best you don't contact me.

Goodbye, Daddy.

you want people to connect - vazbu want sb. to do sth. už jistě nemusím představovat, jen zde podotknu, že je dobré si uvědomit, že slova jako aby nebo ať v češtině jsou jen gramatickými berličkami, nejsou významovými slovy, a nemají v angličtině jeden daný překlad
with all the bad things you do - tím vším špatným, co děláš (podstatné jméno THINGS je tu oproti češtině trochu netypické, ale bez něj by věta nedávala smysl, stejně tak předložka WITH)
I'm not sure who you are - jde o nepřímou otázku, slovosled klasické otázky (who are you?) je tedy obrácený
related - zde "příbuzný, spřízněný", jinak také "související, spojený s něčím"
make it right - spravit to
are you ready to make a change? - jsi připravený na změnu?

The Middle (1) actual hero

Frankie Heck appears on the road in the middle of nowhere in a superhero costume trying to catch the signal

Frankie: Hello? Can you hear me? Oh, damn it. Come on! Can you hear me? - Some people call this the middle of nowhere - You know, one of those places you fly over on your way from somewhere to somewhere else, but you wouldn't live here.
Flight attendant: (on the plane) Folks, right now we're flying over the great state of Indiana, if you'd like to take a look. (nobody bothers to take a look)
Frankie: Well, look down next time, and you'll see us down here in the middle -- Orson, Indiana, heart of the heartland, proud home of little betty snack cakes, the demolition derby for the homeless and the world's largest polyurethane cow. So how'd I end up in the middle of the road in this getup? Guess it all started a couple of weeks ago, and no, I'm not an actual superhero, not unless you count getting my kids out the door for school every morning.

Little Debbie (Betty) snack cakes
Little Debbie (Betty) snack cakes
Orson polyurethane cow
Orson polyurethane cow

(a couple of weeks earlier)

Frankie: I made breakfast! Come on, we're late! Let's go, let's go! That's my youngest--Brick. You know how you think giving a kid a cool name will make him cool? It doesn't. Okay, now listen. Today at recess, I don't want you wandering around alone on the perimeter. All right? Makes you an easy target, you know? Like--like the gazelle that gets separated from the pack. You've gotta find yourself
a group of kids and just stand near them.
Brick: You know you're my hero, right, mom?
Frankie: Thank you, honey. Eat your pancake.
Brick: It's still frozen.
Frankie: Well, lick it. It'll last longer.
Frankie: Hey, Mike, have you seen that envelope with my driver's licence from the D.M.V.? I need it for work. Why is this place such a mess?
(Axl comes into the kitchen)
That one over there would be Axl. Since he hit 15, he hibernates in his room and only comes out to paw through our food and shoot off sarcastic comments.
Axl: Oh, we're out of chips. Nice job, mom.
Frankie: Yeah, I can't hear you if you don't have pants on.
Brick: Mom, where's my homework? 

nejdřív malá zastávka u slova costume - nepleťte si ho s custom, což znamená zvyk, a ověřte si ve slovnících i výslovnost
damn it, come on! - sakra, no tak!
people call this the middle of nowhere - lidi říkají, že tu je konec světa (žádné tell this nebo say this is...)
one of those places you fly over - jedno z míst, které přeletíte (předložka OVER zde indikuje pohyb přes nějaké území)
but you wouldn't live here - ale žít byste tu nechtěli
folks - lidi, lidičky, vážení (hovorové oslovení)
nobody bothers to take a look - nikoho ani nenapadne, že by se podíval
the world's largest polyurethane cow - největší polyuretanová kráva na světě (tato konstrukce může být užitečná, pokud chcete říct, že něco je na světě největší, nejvyšší, nejdelší apod.)
so how'd I end up in the middle of the road in this getup? - 1) 'd zde zkracuje DID, jedná se o nestandardní zkrácený tvar typický hlavně pro americkou angličtinu; 2) end up - skončit někde nebo nějak - end up on the road, end up arrested apod.; 3) getup - ohoz, obleček (hovorový výraz)
a couple of weeks ago - před pár týdny
I'm not an actual superhero - nejsem skutečný hrdina / nejsem ve skutečnosti hrdina
not unless you count getting my kids out the door... - 1) NOT UNLESS není nějakým specifickým spojením, jde jen o zopakování záporu z první části souvětí (not an actual superhero), i samotné unless by šlo použít beze změny významu; 2) sloveso GET je v -ing tvaru, protože figuruje jako předmět věty; 
3) ve spojení "out the door" je jakoby vynechaná předložka OF, v současné angličtině je to velmi běžné (podobně třeba "look out the window!" - podívej se z okna!)
we're late! - jdeme pozdě! (v angličtině je použití slovesa BÝT v tomto spojení běžnější než říkat come late, arrive late apod.)
it doesn't - pomocné sloveso zde nahrazuje větu "it doesn't make him cool"
at recess - o přestávce
I don't want you wandering around the perimeter - nechci, aby ses toulal kolem školy. I když vazba "chtít, aby někdo něco udělal" má tvar "want sb. to do sth.", jak jistě víte, tak v záporu, když chcete říct, že je nežádoucí, aby někdo něco dělal, se často používá -ing tvar slovesa
like the gazelle that gets separated from the pack - jako gazela, která se oddělí od stáda
you've gotta find yourself a group of kids - musíš si najít partu kamarádů
last - vydržet
have you seen that envelope? - v češtině "neviděl jsi tu obálku?", v AJ se však použije kladná otázka. Záporná otázka "haven't you seen that envelope?" by znamenala "ty jsi jako neviděl tu obálku??"
why is this place such a mess? - proč je tu takový bordel?
paw through our food and shoot off sarcastic comments - hrabat se nám v jídle a pronášet jízlivé komentáře
we're out of chips. nice job, mum - došli nám chipsy. fakt super, mami

The Middle (2) long history

Frankie: When did this happen? Mike, look at this. Look at this. This is--I haven't had my driver's license picture taken in seven years, okay? Here's the old one. Look at this. What happened to me?
Mike: Uh, well, back then you were all young and shiny and wondering what your life's gonna be. And now, well, now you know.
Sue: Mom!
Frankie: Hey, come in here if you want to talk to me. Axel, put some pants on. Okay, maybe it was just a bad picture. I mean, yikes. Mike, does it ever bum you out that I'm not young and shiny anymore?
Mike: Well, sure, honey. It's a huge bummer, but what are you gonna do? Oh, shoot! I wanted chips for my lunch.
Axl: She didn't buy any.
Frankie: Sue, grab a pancake. We're late. That's Sue. She's been going through a bit of an awkward stage for the past 13 years.
Sue: Mom, the dryer ate my leg warmers again.
Frankie: I told you, you can't put wet things in the dryer anymore.
Sue: Well, I need 'em, 'cause guess what? I'm trying out for show choir this week.
Frankie: I know, I know-- that's not an expression parents should have on their faces when their daughter tells them she's trying out for something. But see, Sue had a long history of things she tried out for-- a long and painful history.

I haven't had my driver's license picture taken in seven years - sedm let jsem se nenechala vyfotit na řidičák. Uplatňuje se zde vazba have sth. done - nechat si něco udělat:

  • I had the roof repaired last week - minulý týden mi opravili střechu / nechal jsem si opravit střechu 
  • When was the last time you had your hair cut? - kdy jsi byl naposled u holiče? / kdy sis naposled nechal ostříhat vlasy?)
  • I'm having my picture taken, I'll call back later - zrovna mě fotí, zavolám později

Kromě toho si všimněte předložky IN - v záporných větách se takto používá v americké angličtině namísto britského FOR
the old one - ta stará (fotka)
back then - tehdy
shiny - veselý, plný optimismu
come in here - spojení předložek a určení místa HERE nebo THERE se v mluvené angličtině objevuje často (do you see the man over there? - vidíš toho muže támhle?; I went in there and told them how I felt - šel jsem tam a řekl jim, jak se cítím) 
yikes - no že se vůbec divím
does it ever bum you out? - štve tě to někdy? (doslova "kazí ti to někdy náladu?")
it's a huge bummer - je to vážně škoda (it's a very big pitty)
what you're gonna do? - co se dá dělat? (YOU zde má všeobecnou, zástupnou funkci)
oh, shoot! - a sakra! (méně expresivní varianta k oh, shit)
chips - v tomto případě (tedy v americké AJ) jsou to opravdu chipsy, v britské AJ jsou to hranolky
grab a pancake - vezmi si lívanec (dosl. popadni)
she's been going through a bit of an awkward stage - chová se divně, je trochu zvláštní (dosl. prochází trochu divným obdobím) 
try out for sth. - jít na konkurz 
expression - znamená jak výraz ve smyslu "slovo", tak i právě výraz v obličeji
but see... - ale víte,... 
a long history of things she tried out for - jedná se o vztažnou větu, proto je předložka na konci, totéž platí pro otázky (what was the last thing you tried out for?)

The Middle (3) a wake-up call

Mike: Show choir. Wow, super. That--that should be fun to try out for.
Frankie: Now listen, dad's gonna fix the dryer again, but right now I just need everybody to go. Let's get out the door. Come on. Let's go. Let's go!
That driver's license picture was a big wake-up call from the D.M.V. Somehow the life had been sucked right out of me. But who or what had sucked it?
Sue: Mom!
Axl: Mom! Mom!
Sue: Mom, he's not giving my bag back!
Frankie: We did teach 'em the word "dad," didn't we? We're a 2-job family. Mike manages a bunch of boneheads down at the quarry.
(Mike's sitting in his office. Suddenly, a sound of explosion is heard)
Mike: Oh, for cryin' out loud.
Frankie: And my latest job I'm too smart for is selling cars at Orson's last surviving car dealership.
Pete: (brags about how many cars he has sold) What a month, huh?
Bob: Frankie, don't let him intimidate you. He may be the king of sales around here, but he's been rejected by the Elks Lodge twice. I'm not gonna say by who. It was me.
Frankie: Really?
Bob: I told them that he's a pedophile.

fix - opravit
I need everybody to go - potřebuju, aby už všichni šli (podobně I want/would like everybody to go)
it was a big wake-up call - pořádně mi to otevřelo oči / nasadilo brouka do hlavy
my life had been sucked out of me - něco ze mě vysávalo život
he's not giving my bag back! - nechce mi vrátit tašku! (slovesem BÝT se vlastně vyjádří úmysl něco udělat či neudělat)
we did teach them the word "dad", right? - ale naučili jsme je říkat "tati", že jo? (slovesem DO lze zdůraznit významové sloveso: I do know when your birthday is, I just forgot - Já ale vážně vím, kdy máš narozeniny, jen jsem zapomněl)
we're a two-job family - oba dva pracujeme (já i manžel)
he manages a bunch of boneheads at the quarry - řídí/odpovídá za bandu tupců v lomu
a sound of explosion is heard - ozve se zvuk výbuchu
oh, for crying out loud - ale proboha / kristepane
my latest job (that) I'm too smart for - práce, na kterou jsem až moc chytrá (jde o vztažnou větu, proto je předložka FOR opět na konci)
brag about sth. - chvástat se něčím
what a month! - to je ale fajn měsíc!
don't let him intimidate you - nenech se jím zastrašit (celkem užitečné je příd.jm. INTIMIDATING, které vyjadřuje, že z někoho/něčeho máte velký respekt)
he may be the king of sales around here, but... - možná mu tady jdou nejlíp prodeje, ale... / možná je tu nejlepší, ale...
he's been rejected - odmítli ho

Working Out (1) hit the gym

By Judy Koutsky, prevention.com

I tried working out every single morning for a month, and here's what happened.

Before I had kids, I would use my lunch hour to hit the gym. I had a "passport" membership to a gym chain and could go to any of their locations. Lucky for me, there were several near my office, so I would scan their lunchtime class schedules and take advantage of total-body conditioning and kickboxing. My midday break always got my endorphins going, and I was extremely dedicated to taking it. As a friend said, I had the sculpted arms to show for it.

Then I went freelance and had two kids. Suddenly lunchtime workouts didn't seem doable, and my arms (along with the rest of my body) suffered from their new (lack of) routine. I tried working out in the evenings after the kids were in bed, but I was so tired by then that it was hard to stick with it.

But I finally got to a point where I was more tired of not working out and not feeling fit, and I knew something had to change. So I decided to make a commitment to work out every single morning for a month. No excuses.

Here's the thing about exercise: We are all super busy and there are always other things we could be doing, so unless you make exercise a priority-say, put it on the calendar like a meeting-then it won't happen. I decided to treat my morning workouts like a work assignment. There's something to this. Scheduling everything, even family time. 

I tried working out - zkoušela jsem posilovat. Možná vás napadne, proč tu není použité to work out. Mezi infinitivem a gerundiem ve spojení se slovesem TRY je drobný rozdíl:

  • I tried to work out for a while, but I had to stop soon - Na chvíli jsem zkoušel cvičit, ale brzo jsem musel přestat (nevěděl jsem, jak to dopadne, pokusil jsem se o to)
  • I tried working out to see if it helps me recover faster - Zkusil jsem posilovat, abych se rychleji uzdravit (vyzkoušel jsem prášky, terapii apod., nic nepomohlo, tak jsem si řekl, že bych mohl zkusit posilování. samotné posilování pro mě není problem, ale sleduju tím dosažení jistého cíle)

every single morning - každičké ráno / úplně každé ráno
here's what happened - a stalo se tohle
I would use my lunch hour to hit the gym - 1) sloveso WOULD zde popisuje zvyk v minulosti: o polední pauze jsem chodívala cvičit; 2) hit the gym - chodit cičit (související obrat join the gym - začít chodit cvičit, začít posilovat)
take advantage of - využít něčeho, těžit z něčeho (může znamenat i "využít někoho" v negativním slova smyslu)
boxing - box (v AJ je koncovka -ing nutná, stejně jako u spojení happy ending - zpopularizovaná verze happy end je rovněž nesprávná) 
get going - nastartovat, nabudit
I was dedicated to it - fakt jsem se tomu věnoval
have sth. to show for it - mít se čím chlubit (doporučil bych se jako slovíčko naučit větu I have nothing to show for it / What do I have to show for it?, kterou můžeme situačně přeložit jako "a co z toho mám?")
I went freelance - začala jsem pracovat na volné noze
lunchtime workouts didn't seem doable - vypadalo to, že posilovat během pauzy už moc nepůjde / že už nebudu stíhat chodit cvičit (DOABLE samotné znamená "proveditelné, uskutečnitelné")
suffer from sth. - trpět něčím (v AJ je oproti češtině navíc přeložka)
lack of sth. - nedostatek, úbytek něčeho
by then - tou dobou už
stick with sth. - vydržet u něčeho, vytrvat 
I finally got to a point where - konečně jsem se dostala do bodu, kdy (tohle je takové zvláštní použití WHERE)
I was tired of not working out - byla jsem unavená z toho, že jsem necvičila (za předložkou - zde OF - musí sloveso následovat v -ing tvaru)
commitment - závazek (be committed to sb./sth. - být oddaný někomu/něčemu)
here's the thing about exercise - u cvičení jde o tohle...
we're all super busy - všichni máme hrozně moc práce
treat - chovat se nějak k něčemu
assignment - úkol (v práci, ve škole)
there's something to this - má to něco do sebe
schedule - zde: plánovat, rozvrhnout

Working Out (2) pulling teeth

As a freelancer, I sometimes go into different offices for project work, two or three days a week, and sometimes I work at home. On the days I went into an office, I booked a morning sitter to deal with the kids (get them up, dressed, fed, and to school), so I could hit the gym before work. Some people would think this was crazy. Why would I pay $40 to a sitter for 2 hours ($20 an hour is the going rate in my town) in order to hit the gym? But for me, it's totally worth it. First, mornings are a mess in our house-the kids don't want to get up or get dressed, so it's like pulling teeth to get them to eat their breakfast and be at school on time-so outsourcing those 2 hours was a wonderful gift to myself. Second, I've always been an early-morning person, so getting up at 5:30 or 6 AM isn't difficult for me. I feel my best in the morning, and a gym workout only enhances that feeling.

The days I worked from home, it was harder to justify paying a sitter to take my kids in the morning, so instead, I worked out while my husband and kids were still sleeping. Our gym opens at 5:30 AM, and my family rarely gets up before 6:30 or 7, so I would set the alarm, throw on my workout clothes, and sneak out the door. Often, I'd get back before anyone got up, or I would walk in just as they were awakening.

get them up, dressed, fed - přimět je, aby vstali, oblékli se a najedli
that's the going rate - tolik to teď většinou stojí
mornings are a mess - ráno je blázinec
it's like pulling teeth - je to skoro nadlidský úkol, dá to hrozně práce
get them to eat breakfast - přimět je sníst snídani
I've always been an early morning person - vždycky jsem vstávala brzo ráno (slovo PERSON se takto často používá např. ve spojení a dog person / a cat person - člověk, který má rád psy/kočky nebo a people person - společenský člověk, někdo, kdo se rád baví s druhými)
so instead, I worked out while... - tady je důležité, že za slovem INSTEAD už nesmí následovat of it. Něco jiného by bylo so instead of paying a sitter, I worked out while...
rarely - výjimečně, málokdy
set the alarm - nastavit budík
sneak out the door - vyplížit se ze dveří

Working Out (3) feeling good

Someone once told me that working out first thing in the morning was like walking around with a secret, and that's exactly how I felt. No matter how crappy the day was (I didn't get an assignment I was hoping for, or the kids were being particularly challenging), there was always that silver lining: I started the day by working out. And it turns out experts agree with me.

"The benefits of exercising in the morning include feeling accomplished and good about yourself because you were actually able to make this happen," says Yvonne Thomas, PhD, a Los Angeles-based psychologist who specializes in self-esteem. "Other benefits of exercising in the morning are that you can be more dynamic-physically, cognitively, and emotionally."

Things that would normally raise my blood pressure (a work deadline got moved up, my kids lost their library books) seemed more manageable. I felt like I was better able to put things in perspective, perhaps due to my more positive outlook. Thomas notes that by starting the day with exercise, you're more focused and balanced. "Exercising in the beginning of the day can help decrease some negative feelings and thoughts that can get in your way as the day goes on, making you feel less depressed, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, sad, or angry."

I'll do it first thing in the morning - udělám to hned ráno
that's exactly how I felt - přesně tak jsem se taky cítila
no matter how crappy the day was - bez ohledu na to, jak nanic to byl den (sloveso je na konci, protože se jedná o nepřímou otázku)
I didn't get an assignment I was hoping for - nedostala jsem zakázku, v kterou jsem doufala (zde je na konci předložka, protože se jedná o vztažnou větu)
the kids were being particularly challenging - a děti byly zrovna zvlášť neukázněné / děti by zrovna dávaly dost zabrat
every cloud has a silver lining - na všem zlém je i něco dobré, vždycky je naděje
feel accomplished - cítit se úspěšně, mít ze sebe dobrý pocit
you were actually able to make this happen? - ty jsi to fakt dokázala?
specialize in sth. - zaměřovat se na něco
self-esteem - sebevědomí, sebeúcta
všimněte si, že nejlepší překlad podmětu things by byl v našem případě něco (něco, co mi obvykle zvedá tlak...)
the deadline got moved up again - už zase se posunul termín
put sth. in perspective - vyjasnit si něco, ujasnit (take "docenit hodnotu" něčeho)
outlook - pohled na svět
note (sloveso) - podotýkat, poukázat
by starting the day with exercise - tím, že začnete den cvičením
it can help (to) decrease negative emotions - může to pomoct zmírnit negativní emoce (nikoli help with decreasing)
exercise makes me feel less depressed - díky cvičení nemám takové depky
anxious - úzkostlivý (také "be anxious to do sth." - hodně chtít něco udělat)
I'm overwhelmed with work right now - zrovna mám práce až nad hlavu / jsem zavalený prací

Working Out (4) the benefits

It really is true: Working out makes you sleep like a baby. In fact, a recent study even showed that working out at 7 AM was better for your sleep than working out at 7 PM, or at 1 PM for that matter.

During the month of my morning exercise experiment, I slept beautifully. I was in bed by 9 PM (at the latest), and my mind somehow knew it was time to shut down for the day-it didn't race or constantly add things to my to-do list like normal. I was generally out as soon as I pulled up the covers. And I needed to be, in order to make my 5:30 wake-up call.

I'm happy to say I never missed a morning workout during my experiment, though I did listen to my body and go easier on the days I needed it. I just knew that if I skipped a day I'd fall off the wagon, though I know doctors recommend rest days every now and then to let your muscles recover. Since the month ended, I've kept up my new early morning routine. The benefits were just too good to go back-plus, I lost 4 pounds. Not too shabby.

in fact - vlastně, ve skutečnosti
recent - nedávný
for that matter - ostatně i/ani, vlastně, a navíc
I was in bed by 9 PM at the latest - nejpozději v 9 už jsem byla v posteli
constantly - v jednom kuse
to-do list - seznam věcí, co je třeba udělat
as soon as - jakmile
in order to make my 5:30 wake-up call - abych mohla v 5:30 vzbudit děti (jde
o jiný význam spojení wake-up call, než na jaký jsme narazili v textu The Middle)
miss - zde: vynechat
though I did listen to my body - i když jsem vážně naslouchala svému tělu (THOUGH je zkrácené "even though", DID zdůrazňuje sloveso)
go easier - zvolnit
skip - vynechat, "přeskočit"
fall off the wagon - vypadnout z rytmu
every now and then - čas od času
to let your muscles recover - aby si vaše svaly odpočinuly (po slovese LET následuje infinitiv dalšího slovesa bez částice -TO, stejně jako u slovesa MAKE)
keep up - pokračovat v něčem
not too shabby - to vůbec není špatné

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